Good afternoon! A question for dear red51. Is it possible to raise the level of the camera (sight) by 1.7-1.8 meters? Now, as far as I understand, the value is set to 1.5 meters. It's not very convenient in terms of buildings, you have to jump up to look out the window! I'm not used to seeing the world from a height of one and a half meters!
But seriously, when you can't walk through an opening, but you look into the middle of it, it looks strange. And you really can't look out a window or loophole located at a standard height.

A question for red51."Height increase" (raise the camera).
- sazhm
- Thread is Unresolved
Im not sure. I think the char currently already has a height of roughly 3 blocks. One block should be 0.6x m.
i'm confused, i have never had the issue you are describing. the buildings are only as big as you make them, so if the windows are too high up, it seems like the solution is to just... not make them so high up? changing the player height would be difficult, and moving their eyes above their head where the top of their hitbox is (for hats) would be weird...
the default door is 2 units wide and 4 units tall, a 2x2 window placed 2 units up matches the door and you can see out of it perfectly...
i'm confused, i have never had the issue you are describing. the buildings are only as big as you make them, so if the windows are too high up, it seems like the solution is to just... not make them so high up? changing the player height would be difficult, and moving their eyes above their head where the top of their hitbox is (for hats) would be weird...
the default door is 2 units wide and 4 units tall, a 2x2 window placed 2 units up matches the door and you can see out of it perfectly...
Good afternoon! You were making a mannequin. If you get closer, you don't look into his eyes, but into his chest. That's what I'm talking about. I try to stick to real sizes in my buildings, but as a result, you feel like a dwarf. The block size, in my opinion, is still 0.5 meters. If you make a doorway not 4 blocks, but 3,8 - 3,9, then the character does not pass. But if you look up, you can see that it feels like a plane might fly over there.
Maybe I'm wrong, this is my subjective opinion.
Good afternoon! You were making a mannequin. If you get closer, you don't look into his eyes, but into his chest. That's what I'm talking about. I try to stick to real sizes in my buildings, but as a result, you feel like a dwarf. The block size, in my opinion, is still 0.5 meters. If you make a doorway not 4 blocks, but 3,8 - 3,9, then the character does not pass. But if you look up, you can see that it feels like a plane might fly over there.
Maybe I'm wrong, this is my subjective opinion.
i look straight into my mannequin's eyes in my own game. or maybe at the lips. but DEFINITELY not as low as the chest! i would ask if you are crouching by mistake, but that would put you eye-level with his crotch, not his chest. regardless, something in your game is off, as i've not encountered your issue or heard anyone else have it either.
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