Steam Sale

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Dear Developers!
    Im an active steam player and community member who made a list about the best games and most promising early access games available on steam. I support many early access game and I know its hard to make the final step cause there is a lot of early access game that was abandoned. So I tried to gather those titles that have active developer team with frequent updates. I'd like to suggest to put your game on a sale (atleast 15% would be nice since 5-10% usually not enough for me to make that final step and purchase a game that is in early access and I guess most of the players think like that too.)
    This way Im pretty sure you could get much more support (I own this game and I like it even its got some issue yet!)
    If you give some (like 15-20% cut on the price that would be a good deal for everyone I guess).
    Anyway I wish you guys the best!

  • i think the money they charge for this game is very low but i do think they should offer a free trail with some sort of time limit or have a server setup as a demo that anyone can join and build but boots the user every 30 min for one day

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I have seen the comments on Steam (I bought the non-steam version) and, honestly, the only negative comments are about not having the proper hardware. My point is that people don't buy smart, and making the game on sale will just increase the number of dissatisfied players because:

    A. the game is still in alpha and, while there's plenty to do already, lack some contents (i.e. RPG features, settings, skins, etc.)
    B. even if mentioned numerous times in comments and descriptions, etc., people with older or cheaper computers, will buy the game before checking if they can run it.
    C. people are lazy and don't understand why installing Java is a good thing. Heck! they install .Net for other things and don't complain!

    At the moment, the price is fair, and is low enough not to attract too much of these players. At the moment, what I see are players that love this game and are here to help fix things and suggest (even propose) new features. Perhaps make a special sale in a beta stage, or something. Just not now. IMO.

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