Error code 201

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  • Error 201 is steam , Maybe red51 can write an error trap to get around it if steam goes down. Such things happen when you put your faith in a third party to manage certain aspects of your software . I am sure it is a condition of selling on steam. Anyhow its not rising world but rather steam that is at fault.

  • @Trillnar is right: It's an error caused by Steam. It occurs when the Steam API does not respond (most likely when some Steam servers are down), unfortunately nothing we can do about it :( But usually these problems get fixed really quickly.

  • @Trillnar is right: It's an error caused by Steam. It occurs when the Steam API does not respond (most likely when some Steam servers are down), unfortunately nothing we can do about it :( But usually these problems get fixed really quickly.

    Red ,
    While steam is good for selling software, it is not good if the steam site goes down. Lately steam here has been dropping off line every day at least for brief periods. It is kind of like putting all of your eggs in 1 basket. Some games will simply not work offline and some will. I think it has more to do with software protection more then anything. I still prefer to buy as many programs as I can without involving steam, In some cases we do not have a choice. I do understand that many people need steam to make sales. It is something that we just have to put up with. I shudder to think what would happen if one day steam went poof . I guess if it did go poof most software vendors would just fix their programs to run without it .

  • In that case I'd eventually recommend buying the Standalone version from our homepage, it works completely independent from Steam :)

    I have not reached that point as of yet, However if things really got bad you might have to look into some type of bridge or update to deal with such issues. I do not have that much experience with steams reliability, like I stated before , sometimes it is just better to buy software directly from the publisher. This was probably just a fluke. I never really had issues before today. At the rate things are getting broken into lately, one never knows what is going to happen. As of now things are ok as it is .

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