My first map

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Awesome stuff. My little tip from Minecraft that I'm sure can be carried over into Rising World would be to focus on one building at a time while allowing the roads to flow with your construction. Try & plot ahead by even considering adding hedges (when the updates allow) to line the road. Trees also. Other than that, nice stuff.

    My more casual suggestion would be to try and make 'colourful' buildings by going white & a bright colour. Adding colour would add some form of beauty to the city other than the grey.

  • Thank you for the tip's and I also like white color buildings, tomorrow I will go back and finish the insides of each building + plant some tree's or make a Garden too try and make it look nicer & I cant wait too see - Arcticu City your plans are Awesome!

  • Thank you for the tip's and I also like white color buildings, tomorrow I will go back and finish the insides of each building + plant some tree's or make a Garden too try and make it look nicer & I cant wait too see - Arcticu City your plans are Awesome!

    Sweet! You're very welcome. You don't have to do exactly what I say, just that they're some nice tips to add. I'd wait for the biome update to consider adding gardens & lining the road with the different plants that may or may not be in there. Looking forward to your next city update with the tips :thumbup:

    Thanks! I'm really itching to jump in. It's a shame this year sucks for me by also holding me back. I'll share my images whenever the year feels kinder. Glad to hear you're looking forward to the rise of Arcticu City.

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