Black Texture Bug

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  • This issue was brought up in another thread. The workstations and blocks have black, missing textures. The solution was to check the computer specs and play fullscreen, however, my pc far exceeds the requirements(not to brag), and fullscreen did nothing.

    This isn't a major bug, just a little immersion breaking.

    I await your gracious response *bow*

  • The main reasons for this issue are either graphics cards that do not meet the minimum system requirements (in most cases integrated Intel HD Graphics adapters), outdated video drivers (usually also in combination with an Intel HD Graphics adapter), insufficient RAM or a 32 bit operating system.

    What hardware do you have exactly (CPU, graphics card, RAM and OS)? Fullscreen mode should have no influence on that (where did you find that hint?), but in case the issue is caused by insufficient RAM (or 32 bit OS), it usually helps to reduce the view distance and especially the detail distance (requires a game restart).

  • You guys respond fast, geez. (Not complaining)

    Aha! I have an integrated Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000. My other card is an AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series card (it's one card, I'm reading this from System Information).

    Question is, how do I switch it over? Can't seem to find the control panel for the Radeon.

    Edit: I forgot to put my specs.
    Intel(R) Dual Core i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz
    Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 (Integrated)
    AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series
    6.00 GB RAM
    Windows 10
    64-bit OS, x64-based processer

  • Thanks for the system info! ;) Maybe the game is using the integrated Intel HD 3000 instead of the AMD card. Usually there should be a big warning in main menu in this case, but maybe that does not work on Windows 10. Alternatively you can see the currently used graphics adapter in the settings menu (in the graphics menu, at the bottom right).

    If the game uses the Intel HD indeed, you can change that in the Catalyst Control Center. Here you find some infos how to change the graphics adapter (scroll down to the ATI/AMD part):…PU-on-a-Windows-computer-

    Make sure you assign the Radeon to the risingworld.exe as well as to the java.exe (if you have the Steam version, you find the java.exe in steam/steamapps/common/risingworld/java/bin/java.exe). Apply the changes and check out if the game uses the Radeon now ;)

    If that does not work: How much VRAM does the Radeon have? Updating the AMD driver may eventually also help.

  • Sorry it took so long to get back here.

    My CCC doesn't have all the options it shows in the link you sent. I updated it to the latest. still nothing.

    Any ideas?

  • The menus changed in some CCC versions. Usually you should find something like "Switchable Graphics" in the "Power" tab (on the left side), eventually it could also be in the "Gaming" tab (if available). Maybe have a look at Google, there are some different information on how to do it with an AMD card, also some videos about that topic (maybe some of them show the same CCC version you have).

  • I may be having an issue with CCC. I'm missing many of the tabs, including the Gaming and/or Power tab. I've updated it and nothing has helped so far. I can't seem to find anything online either. Any ideas?

  • I may be having an issue with CCC. I'm missing many of the tabs, including the Gaming and/or Power tab. I've updated it and nothing has helped so far. I can't seem to find anything online either. Any ideas?

    if you right click anywhere on your screen not on anything open by the way, you will get options and at the top you should see (Configure Switchable Graphics ) witch will install there when you install amd drives click that and you can set your laptop to use the radeon for java and risingworld

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Ok. So I right clicked the desktop, and no option like that popped up. The only option similar was for Catalyst. Tried the bios. No graphics options there.

    On a side note, when I right click and hover over the Graphics Options(the one with the drop down list), it has 3 graphics slots. The first 2 are for the same Intel graphics. The third is blank. Don't know if that has anything to do with it. It almost seems like my computer detects the Radeon as existing, but nothing more than that.

    I have 2 graphics cards. They exist. But my computer is acting like it can't switch at all. I don't remember it acting like this when I first got it.

  • Ok. So I right clicked the desktop, and no option like that popped up. The only option similar was for Catalyst. Tried the bios. No graphics options there.

    On a side note, when I right click and hover over the Graphics Options(the one with the drop down list), it has 3 graphics slots. The first 2 are for the same Intel graphics. The third is blank. Don't know if that has anything to do with it. It almost seems like my computer detects the Radeon as existing, but nothing more than that.

    I have 2 graphics cards. They exist. But my computer is acting like it can't switch at all. I don't remember it acting like this when I first got it.

    are you on a desktop or laptop ? m in cpu stands for mobile must be laptop witch model is it ?

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Sony S Series laptop, Model # VPCSE2EFX.

    heres the driver for your video card…upd_id=7727&os_group_id=6

    it seems this laptop has AMD Radeon HD 6470M / 6630M and Intel HD Graphics 3000 not AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series maybe you have the wrong driver installed

    heres the link to sonys website that shows you how to switch if this does not help then we are very sorry we cant help anymore than this…/a_id/34445/kw/Switchable Graphics/p/48903,49902,71733,71761/c/65,66/related/1

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • Thank you for your help. Unfortunately, none of the solution provided worked. HOWEVER, I hooked my laptop up to my AOC 27" LCD monitor via HDMI, and not only did the graphics fix themselves, but I received a performance boost to all my games. I have no idea. Perhaps the Radeon is connected to the HDMI port. Dunno how, but at least for now I have a fix.

    Thank you so much for all your help! I really appreciate it!


  • looking at this laptop it also has auto set that will use the radeon when it feels its needed witch when you used the HDMI it did

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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