crumbled blocks

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  • *bump*

    This would give things a nice worn appearance, like an old castle wall. As you mine a placed block with the pick axe, it takes on a cracked look before being destroyed. Maybe Hitting a block with the pick axe would make the block retain the cracked appearance. Or it could be recovered (rather than being destroyed) and you have a new cracked version of that block (this is closer to to what minecraft does with the mined stone blocks becoming cobble stone which actually seems like a good system).

  • *bump*

    This would give things a nice worn appearance, like an old castle wall. As you mine a placed block with the pick axe, it takes on a cracked look before being destroyed. Maybe Hitting a block with the pick axe would make the block retain the cracked appearance. Or it could be recovered (rather than being destroyed) and you have a new cracked version of that block (this is closer to to what minecraft does with the mined stone blocks becoming cobble stone which actually seems like a good system).

    i agree

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