Cannot start the game after the last update

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  • Cannot start the game after the last update!
    Screenshot of error
    Report in details
    Java was removed, then put new - did not help.
    Delete the folder "steamapps", rebooted - did not help.
    Reinstalled steam and game - did not help.
    vcredist_x86 just installed - did not help. ;(

  • Please delete all files called "errorlog" and "hs_err_pid" in your game directory, then start the game, and once it's crashed, post the newest errorlog or hs_err_pid here or on pastebin (the log you provided is unfortunately outdated)

  • removed, but the file does not appear. Press to start the game, it does not load and no error appears for a second a black window popping up on the screen... "errorlog"should be in the folder "steam-steamapps-common-rising world"?

  • Yes, the errorlog should be in "steam/steamapps/common/risingworld". It's either called "errorlog" (followed by a number) or "hs_err_pid". Is there no such file?
    Is the small black window (in the screenshot) the only thing you see when starting the game?

  • You said you installed vcredist. Did you use the version in the 2013 folder in the game directory (steam/steamapps/common/risingworld/_CommonRedist/vcredist/2013)? It's also important to choose "Repair", otherwise it won't work.

  • win 32 bit. Yes vcredist 2013 click "Repair". Talking to past updates have all worked perfectly! It was after the last update there are problems!
    PS for viruses several times checked, java was cleaning and a new set.

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