[w8.1 x64] Missing textures.

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  • Hello everyone! I play the game now for two days, and I have an annoying problem. I miss a lot of textures. Especially things with wood. Reinstallation did not help. Reinstallation of steam worked once, the next day the problem was back. Even reinstalling steam does not help anymore. Reinstall Windows works, but is not really something I want to do every day. :) Any ideas?

    nother picture:

  • Yes, that was the problem. I've installed nvidia control panel, and now i can switch between the cards. Thank you. :)
    Edit: But now the game crashes when I try to connect to a server. :cursing:

  • Okay, so when switching to the NVIDIA card, the game crashes? Using the integrated adapter works, but causes black textures? Or am I wrong?
    Can you tell me what NVIDIA card you have?

  • Is there an errorlog created in your game directory (Steam/SteamApps/commons/Risingworld)? Otherwise it may be related to another issue, usually multiplayer has nothing to do with your graphics card. Only exception would be when you connect to a server where player used a lot of custom images, that consumes more memory (vram) than usual.

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