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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Has anyone played this game? It seems to be based on the Jmonkey engine as well and has water implemented. It has the look of minecraft with better lighting. Sadly it looks like this game may no longer be in development. There doesnt seem to be many updates since 2012

  • based on what i gleamed from their forums its still in development. the main dev/ only dev's wife has brain tumors and has undergone treatments for over a year . so he's been very busy but it seems he will see the game through. although at this point rising world will likely be finished 1st.

  • Me too. Rising World is a very promising game but development is progressing slow so I'm trying other stuff to help pass the time. I just finished over 200 hours in ARK. Doing 7 days to die next and possibly Rust at some point. There's another more minecraftish game called Blockscape which has some interesting features but I'm skeptical on the direction that the developers are going in so I'm not sure yet (they made some changes to the game which I feel are a step backwards).

  • Yeah, when I first saw Blockscape, I thought it was going to be the Minecraft killer. Unfortunately it's look went from beautiful realism to ugly blockiness. Still, it has some interesting elements in its variable grid size when building and destroying. It's electrical system seems good. There is much that I hope Red will take from it as inspiration as Rising World is developed further.

    I may still purchase Blockscape if it ever goes on sale but I do not have enough faith to pay full price.

  • I purchased blockscape 2 years ago.I thought the same.This will be the ultimate building game.The voxel world is epic but development really sucks.A couple of updates every 6 months.I cant live 200 years to wait for that.Then,RW came along.Fell in love. lol

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