Its necessary to fix furnace problem. Every time i make ingots have to relog.
- Golasgil
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
If you want this to be taken seriously then post this in the bug sub-forum
. But ya, do hope Red51 has it noted now.
Yes, it's already on our list, unfortunately this problem is not always reproducible, and it seems to occur in multiplayer only (which makes the debugging procedure a bit more complicated). Once the biomes update is out, we can finally concentrate on that issue (and some other things that are on our "what-we-urgently-have-to-fix"-list)
I can not put anything in the furnace , only turns on and off ...
I can not put anything in the furnace , only turns on and off ...
Aim at the single slots in the furnace while holding a piece of ore in your hands, then use your secondary action key (RMB) to place the ores in the furnace. -
But I can't interact for place ore. I have reinstal and the problem persist.
But I can't interact for place ore. I have reinstal and the problem persist.
Sorry, don't use the interaction key, use the secondary action key (default RMB) to place the ores in the furnace -
Don't place with any key!
Do you see a preview in the particular slots in the furnace when aiming at them? What kind of ore do you try to place in it? Can you eventually provide a screenshot?
Ore from mines.
This is just stone in the screenshot, isn't it? You can't put that into the furnaceYou can only put ores like iron, copper, silver, gold etc. into the furnace
Ah, Thanks.
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