(Rising Citys Biomes A New beginning) with real working doctor who tardis

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • Hi Everyone just wanted to let users who are looking for a new server to play on about our new server and what we offer

    Things we have are

    we have a auto level up system this works on the amount of online time, the more online time on our server the higher your level
    with each level up you get more powers right upto been in game admin level

    also we have protection this protection is unlike others we give you the owner of a area the rights to add your own friends to your own area
    with the command /addplayertoarea Friend username username = your friends username

    also we have protection area teleport only level 2 users can use this command
    to teleport to your own area your type /areatp2 username or /areatp id id = the id of your area to see areas type /showarealist also to see whos added to your own area type /showareainfo
    to remove a friend from your area you type /removeplayerfromarea username, only the area owners can add and remove users so your friends cannot remove you

    we also have user to user teleport this command is /tp username or /tp id

    the server ip is

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Hey guys just wanted to let you know about our Tardis we have built a real working Tardis that when you go inside its bigger on the inside than it is on the out side
    anyone and everyone is welcome to come and try it out, the server ip is

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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