In the most part this is probably related to Game Crashing Upon Starting
So if you are not interest in further information as this has been answered before close this window now
First of all the error log:,16682792/hs_err_pid6192.log/
You will notice that this log is quite larger than usual logs.
At the bottom you can see that I started RW with different Java parameters.
The story behind was that I noticed that after a while of exploring the world the game became laggy, so every few seconds it stopped reacting for about half to one second. My first thought was RAM and CG. So I started testing the game with other GCs and more memory. The G1GC in combination with the MaxGCPauseMillis parameter turned out to delay the "becoming-laggy" behavior a while but then the memory still runs full. Anyways before this happens I notice some mini-freezes which may be those 50ms for garbage collection.
With increasing the total amount of memory for the game I can play quite a while without having to rejoin to clear the memory.
What I else noticed was after testing this was that the frame rate decreases with the amount of exploring I did within one session. It seems like that the game keeps most parts of the world I visited in memory and tries to keep up calculating stuff there. In the debug console I saw that when I disconnected after such a situation it unloaded quite a lot of junk before closing the connection at all.
To be honest I am not really sure if this makes sense at all. What I can say is that it turned out to work well for me at least.
Thanks for reading.