Am I doing something wrong? I press ctrl on the right or the 0 key on the num pad and I cannot move wood beams around. I aspire to be a building guru someday. Teach me o great ones!

CTRL (r) to toggle manual positioning
- zfoxfire
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Oh, I think i see the problem.. I can't move a beam while grid snap is enabled. the problem is that when I disable grid snap, I lose the piece being centered.
Clearly I need to watch some tutorials on this system. Could someone recommend a video or reading material on this? And does it make sense to not be able to move a piece while snapped?
Oh, I think i see the problem.. I can't move a beam while grid snap is enabled. the problem is that when I disable grid snap, I lose the piece being centered.
The construction system really needs a rework, we started working on a new construction sytem, but since the water update decided to consume all our time, the new construction system won't be available prior the water update -
Thats still exciting news Red.!!
Indeed. When the water is done, it will be like water under the drawbridge.
And speaking of water under the bridge, when can we see some screenshots of water, and bridges with water under them?
The rework on the construction system is pretty exciting as well.cannot wait to see the improvements and results.!
We are like nomads in the desert,looking for water lol.
Funny, that's how I feel about all the sandstone you can mine in the desert but cannot craft from it. I hope Red squeezes in a fix to make sandstone blocks craftable from sandstone in the next update.
Hopefully.That would be cool.
Dont know about next update.The water deal is time consuming but im pretty positive it will occur soon.
I re-read some of Red's posts. I guess its not going to be next update but the one after which will be water. But the next update should also include some screenshots of the water which I'm really looking forward to
Oh yeah.Looking forward to that big time!
Here's what you do:
1.) Use the grid to position your beam.
2.) Press the right CTRL key
3.) Release the grid (press G)
4.) The beam should not have moved and now you can fine tune it into position.Maybe it'll help
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