Hello folks, I'm proud to present you the Brazilian Portuguese Language Pack for Rising World.
From now on, I will update the attachment as the game updates comes out.
Now a brief description for the target users:
[Portuguese] Olá pessoal, é com muita alegria que disponibilizo aqui a tradução de Rising World em Português Brasileiro.
Daqui para frente farei o possível para manter esta tradução atualizada, na medida em que o jogo receber atualizações.
Para instalar, basta baixar o anexo no final do post, descompactar e executar a instalação.
Qualquer dúvida pode ser postada aqui no tópico.
[You can read the original message below, posted before the project started]
I've just bought the game on Steam minutes ago, it was on my wishlist for a while.
Yesterday I was watching some gameplay footage, when my wife caught me. She went amazed with the game, so we decided to cut the wait and grab 2 copies asap, so we could play together.
She doesn't know english, and although the game has not extensive dialogues, it would be nice if it could be translated to Brazilian Portuguese, our native language.
I don't know Java, but I've already located the "Bundle_en.properties" file containing all the text strings. The font lacks some characters like "Ã" and "Ç", but I have the knowledge to edit bitmap fonts myself.
So, what I would like to know is:
- Am I allowed to edit the game files with this purpose?
- If yes, should I edit one of the existing Bundle_*.properties files or can I create and add a, lets say, "Bundle_pt.properties" ?
- Could the game load a localization file in a way other than this? I have no problem with the current system, I'm just asking because maybe there is already some sort of modding support that I'm not aware of, and as I told you, I don't know Java.
- I have already a translation mod for another game on Steam Workshop(Idk if I can link it or name it here). If there is no mod support planned for Rising World, would be possible for this translation to be added to the game(after devs aproval/communtity feedback and free of charge of course, I'm just excited with this fantastic game and want to help on spreading the word) in the future?
Sorry for any typos. My English is not perfect and I don't want to cause a bad impression, but given the text strings ingame are not that complex, I can assure you I can deliver a pretty good translation.
Thanks in advance.