Lost Connection on Server Client Error

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  • Really baffled. Not very computer literate and feeling lost. I've tried playing on a server and after a short time I get a pop up that reads,

    Client Error
    java.net.SocketException: Connection Reset

    So I have to exit the game and reenter over and over. Once I get the error all I can do is run around. We have updated everything that we can think of and uninstalled and reinstalled the game.

    Is anybody else having this issue? Everyone else on the server I'm playing on isn't having the same problem as me.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • Always with the same server? If this is the case, it might be that server which is too far away or not very reliable. Which was the ping value for it (the number at the left side under the server name)? If it is yellow or red, the connection is not reliable.

    If it happens with all the servers, it might be your line which has a bad moment. I would try again after a while.

  • too far away or not very reliable. Which was the ping value for it (the number at the left side under the server name)? If it is yellow or red, the connection is not reliable.

    Unfortunately that is inaccurate information.

    I play on the same server daily for hours while being in Europe with a ping between 100 and 150 = red color
    that error does not show up, and i dont lose connection.

    neither do the other Europeans on the same US based server
    while @Felixsited has a green ping between 40 and 60 on the same server.

  • Unfortunately that is inaccurate information.

    I play on the same server daily for hours while being in Europe with a ping between 100 and 150 = red color
    that error does not show up, and i dont lose connection.

    neither do the other Europeans on the same US based server
    while @Felixsited has a green ping between 40 and 60 on the same server.

    You are right, I was trying to narrow down the problem before overwhelming the OP with details and I should have said "if... the connection MIGHT be problematic". As you seem to know the specific operating conditions of the OP, do you have some specific advice for him?

    Still, knowing if the problem shows up with all or most servers or is specific to a single server would help. Also, if this happens with other multi-player applications too or only with Rising World. As would help knowing more about the OP setup: OS, processor(s), RAM, background applications or services...

  • When do you get the Connection Reset exactly? At least there is a known problem, but this only applies if you are using cable internet (instead of DSL) and the Reset occurs after exactly 10 minutes. In this case you can solve the problem by using a VPN service, e.g. Cyberghost.
    Otherwise make sure no firewall or antivirus program is interfering with your connection

  • It seems to be around the ten minute mark when the error occurs. We do have cable internet. Rising World is only the second online game I've ever played. I had no trouble with Guild Wars. I could try another server, but Freaks R Us has been great and I would hate to play someplace else. Hubby says he attended to the firewall and antivirus. We looked at VPN briefly yesterday. I guess we'll look into it more.

    Thank you everyone!

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