Sounds heard when sound is off

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
  • I'm starting a list of sound effects I can still hear when the sounds effects are turned all the way down:

    1. morning rooster (sounds nearby)
    2. placing blocks (echo only)
    3. destroying blocks (echo only)
    4. distant cackling (sounds nearby. I last heard the echo version with the biomes update)
    5. Underwater bubbling (sounds nearby)
    6. Bird chirping (echo only.. right-channel only) ( )
    7. occasionally i hear rock falling in water if i mine nearby, not always.. maybe its material specific.
    8. using pick axe on dirt. I hear both the impact and the stones rolling down too.

  • Hi zfoxfire,

    thanks for the list – ever so helpful! :)

    There's some weird routing still going back to the early days, when things worked a little bit differently. This results in some sounds still seeping through.
    You can be sure these will be taken care of in the next update.

    Cheers :)

  • Hi Waveshapr,

    My experiment involved turning down the individual sound levels on the left column. i did not however turn down the master volume. The way the Audio page in Settings looks, it seems as if Music Volume and Master volume are two seperate categories. Perhaps these need to be organized a ltitle better into SFX audio and Music audio unless music audio is a child of Master. I haven't tested but the wording could be improved a bit.

    Love your music btw :)

  • Indeed, "Master" affects everything.
    What you currently still hear when all sliders (except the Master) are turned down are the echoes of the sounds you listed.
    I'm aware of them and it's a really simple fix.

    Music love is always appreciated – tell your friends (to play the game with the Music slider turned up full) :D

  • Music love is always appreciated – tell your friends (to play the game with the Music slider turned up full) :D

    To be honest, I'm discovering this because I'm updating my "copy". The last few updates have reduced the number of "echoes" I hear. while recording. Anyways, I look forward to legitimately owning a copy some day, assuming that copy can be purchased from Amazon Prime. :-D

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