Best Home TP Script for 0.7.2?

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  • Hey guys! I'm looking around today in an effort to find the best "/home" script for my server. I'm implementing scripts a little bit at a time because I'm mostly just trying to keep things SUPER simple. However, I do see an urgent need for players on my server to teleport around, so I would love to help them out.

    This is the script that works best for my small brain to process: Home Script

    It's not in English, but from what I can gather if you type /sethome you'll set your home location. If you type /home you'll go home.

    Another popular script, referred to as "//tpa" is something I was looking into... Thing is, I don't want people to be able to setup teleports all over the server. It seems that "//tpa" allows for just that.

    My main question is, does my first choice (/home) work for 0.7.2? Secondly, are there any other suggestions for a simple TP system that you could recommend??

    Thanks for your help!!!

  • I did notice that, but Vornet is a lot for the kind of server I'm looking to run. If that script is completely separate from Vornet then that's different... But if I have to add ALL of Vornet I think I'll pass. At least for now! It's an awesome script, but I'm not looking to have a server with an economy system, leveling, etc...

  • I did notice that, but Vornet is a lot for the kind of server I'm looking to run. If that script is completely separate from Vornet then that's different... But if I have to add ALL of Vornet I think I'll pass. At least for now! It's an awesome script, but I'm not looking to have a server with an economy system, leveling, etc...

    well meh on you too :P
    Not hard to write up a /home script for english people, all i do is save the location of the player when they do /vn sethome

    local sethomepos = tostring(event.player:getPosition());
    database:queryupdate("UPDATE player SET home = '"..sethomepos.."' WHERE name = '"..event.player:getName().."';");

    then when they do /vn home the code is this

    result = database:query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = '"..event.player:getName().."';")
    if result:next() then
    local homepos = split(result:getString("home"))

    So not really that hard to write your own, just use Area Portal or VorNet as a reference to get ya started with other code you need.

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