Unable to request UUID from hive

  • When I try to start up my server, after generating the world the command prompt tells me this and no one can connect to my server.

  • No HTTP Server was found, please check your firewall settings and make sure the address is reachable from outside

    That's basically the problem. The http server is not reachable, so either a firewall is blocking it, or the ports are not forwarded. You have to forward ports 4254, 4255, 4256, 4257 and 4258 TCP and UDP in your router in order to make your server reachable from outside. Here you can check if your ports are forwarded or not: http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/

  • that error pops up for me when i run the server on my own computer, its not really a big deal if your just running the server for yourself. I mostly use mine to test new lua code i write before i put the code on my main live server and on github.

  • I see one possible answer - My router appears to have hit the limit for ports. I will get back shortly.

    EDIT: okay, it's not throwing up the error anymore. I hope people can join!

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