
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • ok so im on a pc and i can do the command ` mark and F2 for fly, my friend on a mac presses F2 and doesnt allowed her to fly... pressing ` doesnt even open console for her

  • My mac is too old to play RW, but you may want to find the and see what is listed in there for keys.
    Also you may have to check you configuration, as on the mac I think the FX keys default to Mac functions and not to Fx keys.
    You might want to try going to System Preferences / Keyboard / Keyboard and change the item that says "Use all F1, F2, etc. as standard function keys."

    The MAC version may still be pointing to f12 to open the console.

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