Bugfix 2014-12-16: Multiplayer issues fixed

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  • Ok this problem above is getting worse, my ex-partner is running on the same router as me with no problems yet I can't join a multiplayer game or even start a single player game now. The top right of the main menu shows as red lines (not green) so this I'm guessing is no connection to hive, so I understand you don't need the internet to play this game in single player so why can't I start a single player game any more?

    Myself and my ex are running the exact same java (64 bit) running wired from the same router and almost have identical computers (only difference is gpu's, here's is the Nvidia 550 Ti and mines the Nvidia 660, she was running the Nvidia 650 Ti boost till it died on here a few weeks back). So has there been a work around for this problem, I have restarted steam, restarted my computer, verified the files and nothing is working. Normally when this happened I simply restarted the game and all was well again, but now nothing works.

  • The red symbol on the right top indeed indicates that you have no connection to the HIVE. As long as you have no connection, you can't connect to multiplayer servers which require a HIVE verification.
    Singleplayer should still work, it is independent of your internet connection.

    What antivirus program do you use? There was a user where Kaspersky blocked the required port for the game, but not always, so sometimes he was able to play singleplayer, sometimes not.

    Is there an errorlog or hs_err_pid file in your game directory?

  • Sadly I deleted the game folder and ran verify game integrity from steam just in case it didn't scan certain files which could have been corrupt. Anyway this didn't work, but I have linked the connection issue to single player, if you try to join a server and get the error unable to authenticate and then decide to start a single player game the world doesn't load/create. If you exit the game and start it over then go to single player the world will load/create as normal, so this problem not been able to play single player is only if you try to join a server and get the error and then try to create/load a world in single player.

    It took around 45 minutes before I was able to join a server again. The losing connection seems most think its to do with chopping down trees and crafting things, I don't, i think its to do with survival mode its self because you can just be standing there idle and still loose connection, in a period of 4 hours I must have lost my connection at least 12 times.

  • It was really weird yet funny today, everyone had names, and then all of a sudden people's names changed to ":" then some people restarted their games, and their names were restored. I didn't know that there was an update until I myself restarted the game, and installed the update xD

  • Sadly I deleted the game folder and ran verify game integrity from steam just in case it didn't scan certain files which could have been corrupt. Anyway this didn't work, but I have linked the connection issue to single player, if you try to join a server and get the error unable to authenticate and then decide to start a single player game the world doesn't load/create. If you exit the game and start it over then go to single player the world will load/create as normal, so this problem not been able to play single player is only if you try to join a server and get the error and then try to create/load a world in single player.

    It took around 45 minutes before I was able to join a server again. The losing connection seems most think its to do with chopping down trees and crafting things, I don't, i think its to do with survival mode its self because you can just be standing there idle and still loose connection, in a period of 4 hours I must have lost my connection at least 12 times.

    It would be interesting to know if an errorlog is created when you was first on a multiplayer server and then tried to play singleplayer. If not, please enable debug console and provide the log again if possible.

    Is there a specific server you are playing on in multiplayer?

  • Sadly that log from last night for not been able to play single or multiplayer has been deleted when trying to install the game again. If it happens again I will upload the log, the server I play is "Sunny Rising World" and at the moment I can't connect to that server but can connect to other servers. Log provided bellow for server connection, obviously is a server issue and not game related though seeing as I can join other servers. However the problem I was having last night was happening on all servers and is a totally separate problem.

    Update, now when I try to join the server I get couldn't connect however that isn't the problem, the problem is the mouse no longer works and I'm stuck on the lobby page with only one way getting back to the main menu (minimising game and closing it and restart the game). Log added bellow.

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