Sound Support

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • The next release of the API will at least have a method to play sounds which are already in the game. Adding custom sounds will be added in the future, unfortunately I have no ETA for that. The same applies to custom music, although this one is a little bit more complicated. First we need to get some other things in place until we can concentrate on that :)

  • @red51 I would imagine we would need a methid to list the sound effects available in game before we can set up event handlers. As I recall, before you guys switched to fmod, there were a lot of unused sound effects. If all of these are all converted into the new bank files then it would be nice to set something up so that water sounds play near user-placed streams. Maybe random gusts of winds and whatnot. That would really add to the realism to our custom worlds :)

  • @zfoxfire: We can provide a list of all sound effects :) Some of these sound effects can't be used though, for example some ambience sounds, since this would interfere with the existing sounds. But things like water sounds (streams, ocean waves) or wind should work without any problems. And of course all kind of "one-shot" sounds (notification sounds, animal sounds, object sounds, or even the piano sounds) ^^

    I've updated the API and the Javadoc btw, the Player has now some various playSound() methods and a stopSound() method (only useful if you want to stop a loop sound, for example)

  • Since this topic has been resurrected, I want to give some updated information about custom sounds (in order to avoid any misunderstandings): custom sounds are now supported by the API, a SoundInformation object can be used to link a sound file. Most common sound formats are supported. The playSound() methods of the player object are used to play custom sounds.

    The methods to play a game sound have been renamed to playGameSound() ;)

    Here is an overview of all sound names (as of version 0.9.3). However, some of these sounds cannot be played from the API.

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