As I can use the bars and metal plates?

- Foxnyu
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Metal plates and rods are used in some recipes in other workbenches. Lot's of lights in workbench tiers 2 need them for example. -
So I can not use for the decoration of decotarivo elemetos as chairs, tables etc. -
As I can use the bars and metal plates?
So I can not use for the decoration of decotarivo elemetos as chairs, tables etc.
But you can use woodplanks and woodbeams. Gives you a little bit the effect of metal things.
With a small woodbeam in metal optic it looks like a metal bar, a little bit.
You can customize the visual appearance of the wooden beams and planks. In console with ^ item woodbeam 64 (desired ID).
And the imagination power is crucial. -
I have already tried with all kinds of textures but for creating objects in the Egyptian world is widely used gold, silver and copper. With the colors of plaster does not give me the sensation of metals.
metal rods are ingredients for recipes and not placeable in the world.
In blockscape you could use as blocks or bars. It's a shame because it could make many different object.
When the construction system gets re-worked in Rising World, we are going to get the ability to freely scale and rotate blocks. so I imagine that will allow us to build blocks at a smaller scale. So you will be able to build bars out of the standard cylinder block.
In fact, as Deidre says you, you can do much more than blocks with woodbeams and woodplanks, all scalables and with all textures in the game. I think you just need a spectific texture pack. I never check this aspect of the game, but some alternates textures packs were made. The game will never have all textures. that's why textures packs are very enjoyable.
This is an example for gold and lapislazuli in Rising World.
Very quick done crooked rod, but effective. -
It looks great but he lacks the glitter of gold. I'm changing a texture that is bit use thinking about for a gilded
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