Monster factions in modern and fantasy style

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  • Just read the planned features and I love what I see. Mix of modern / futuristic and fantasy. Or either, depending on what server host wants. This can do more then just dictate the tech being used / developed by players. It could also determine what monsters are in the world. And not just lone monsters found wandering around.

    I suggest factions of monsters based on server type, fantasy or modern / futuristic. (Sorry if this has been mentioned, I didn't see it in my searches.)

    Fantasy – bands of goblins, antmen, flying gargoyles.

    Modern – androids, aliens, hovering AI sentries

    Stuff like that... but choose what types of monsters so they fit with lower and higher techs for modern and fantasy. Meaning, Goblins might be more primitive then magic using lizardmen. Basic melee robot more primitive then a hovering laser shooting AI sentry. Get a full range...

    You can find them out in the world, discover their hideout / lair / base, but also they will come and attack your base / town in some way. Break in and steal stuff. Bust your fence and kill some of your livestock, the rest escape and are found wandering around getting eaten by wolves. Maybe they discover your railway and vandalize it or lay traps for the player to discover later. Maybe they manage to destroy a whole building in a town.

    Imagine being totally disctracted with building with your buddies when suddenly your village gets attacked and you have to scramble to put up some defense before too much damage has been done. Or you come back from exploring or mining to find your house has been ransacked, or is in process of being ransacked. Or you're driving along your road and get ambushed.

    This is great for giving players reasons to develop techs. Defensive traps, stronger fencing and doors, barred windows, electric alarms, automated turrets, motion sensors, rolling log traps... tons of stuff could be done.

    Also, the monster factions technology should improve. Maybe based on the previous attacks success? Successful attack means no tech improvement or very little. Failed attack means new techs are used in the next attack. You beat the goblins down when they just have clubs, next time they show up with crossbows. That type of thing.

    This will keep the game fresh, keep players from getting too comfortable with their builds and getting bored. Yes people like what they make, but if there is risk then the value goes up. And it provides a chance to make changes to your build in order to improve it. And like I mentioned, provides more reasons to work on new tech. Maybe even obtain otherwise unattainable tech from monsters.

    I can already hear peeps yelling over teamspeak for their buddies to come help them fend off an attack hehe

    Oh the panic and disappointment that could be! But more importantly, fun and excitement!

    Sorry if I've messed this up in some way. I don't get much time on the computer during the day. My 3 year old makes sure of that hehe

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Just me, but this sounds like a few dozen games already out there.
    You can add all the monsters you want, just please give us a "Peaceful" option. Some of us don't want to play "that kind" of game.

  • Just me, but this sounds like a few dozen games already out there.
    You can add all the monsters you want, just please give us a "Peaceful" option. Some of us don't want to play "that kind" of game.

    Have a look through this to see what they are planning.

    I would agree, a peaceful option should be available. And yeah, lots of features already in other games. It is near impossible to make a game these days which is 100% unique. Especially something like this. But this game has great potential as I see it and would be great with the ideas I mentioned, along with what they are already planning. Maybe having full on raids from monster factions is some type of hardcore mode. And of course variations of that from hardcore mode down to peaceful. Works for me!

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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