monster ideas :D

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  • i don't have this game yet but im really thinking about getting it in a few days and i been watching videos and have never seen any monsters so i come up with some ideas that i think that people will enjoy seeing in this game, i don't think any type of undead monster would fit in this game such as zombies skeletons ect (but that's just me) because there so over used. any who heres my idea for some monsters for this wonderful game! ^^

    1. goblins

    2. wild bears

    3. angry wolfs

    4. ogers (if that's how you spell it)

    5. dragons (if the game has bows and arrows or some kinda projectile )

    if anyone has any ideas aswell feel free to leave a comment about them and also let me know if you like any of these ideas! thanks for reading. :thumbsup:

    - pork

  • It's great to hear player ideas about this alpha game. This is, after all, a sandbox game and monster options make it possible for more diverse worlds to be created. It is my hope that an easy to use interface will be implemented in the yet to be released creative mode so that everybody will be able to easily make the world they want to create. It is clear that the developers do read this forum and are listening to us, so add to the monster list and you never know what might show up in the next update. It might be fun to add monsters that will attack players within an appropriate biome. Here are a few examples:

    6. wolverines & cougars (mountain lions) - forest biome
    7. jaguars - jungle biome
    8. lions - savannah biome
    9. polar bears & trolls - tundra

  • Can this do polls? Maybe we should poll to show the devs what the community is interested in ^^ or have some sort of design competition for fantasy mobs.

    I'd like;

    10. Bronze steam golems/automatons - Ancient Underground Dungeon mob, could be a source of rare metals to encourage questing/roaming
    11. Raccoons - Forest mob, as suggested by another player it enters houses and griefs chests if not fitted with a lock.
    12. Werewolf Villagers/Npc's - Village mob hostile during a random bloodmoon event, discourages players from building over and hoarding villages.
    13. Foxes - Plains mob, investigates fences and new constructions, killing herd animals and harming the player if they try to prevent it.

  • What do you guys think of each biome being it's own ecosystem as a way to populate it? Based on what makes sense of course. Some animals might be found in multiple biomes, but you wouldn't find a scorpion in the arctic right? For animals, I'm staying with realistic in regards to types of species. Fantasy comes with the monsters. Just my take on it...

    Biome and Steppe Ecosystem Ideas (I've added monster and vegetation ideas):

    Alpine (area in mountains between snow and temperate forest)
    Predators – grizzly, badger, lynx, golden eagle
    Prey – rabbit, mountain goat, pheasant, song birds, sheep
    Monsters – werewolf
    Usable vegetation etc. – moss, berries, roots, flowers

    Arctic (borders tundra and is the tops of high mountains, above alpine)
    Predators – wolves, polar bear, arctic fox, snow owl
    Prey – arctic hare, seals, salmon, bison
    Monsters - abominable snowman (yeti)
    Usable vegetation etc. – umm.. snow? haha

    Coastal Rainforest (borders temperate forest, wetland, prairie, swamp)
    Predators – black bear, cougar, raccoon, eagle, owl,
    Prey – salmon, shellfish, sea otter, skunk, song birds, mosquito, firefly
    Monsters - sasquatch
    Usable vegetation etc. - berries, moss, roots, shell, fruit, mushrooms, flowers, birch tree

    Desert (borders savannah and tropical, possibly prairies)
    Predator – snake, scorpion, spider
    Prey – ants, vulture, lizard, beetle
    Monsters - lizardmen
    Usable vegetation etc. - cactus, shrubs

    Jungle (borders tropical, savannah, swamp)
    Predators – spider, snake, panther, tiger
    Prey – poisonous tree frog, pig, monkey, parrots, centepede, fire ant
    Monsters - snakemen
    Usable vegetation etc. - vines, rubber tree, fruit, flowers, mushrooms

    Prairies or Grasslands (borders temperate forest, wetlands, coastal rainforest, possibly desert)
    Predators – wolves, red fox, snake
    Prey – cow, horse, rabbits, moles, bison, grasshopper, sheep, pheasant
    Monsters - satyr
    Usable vegetation etc. - grains, flowers, berries

    Savannah (borders desert, jungle, tropical)
    Predators – lion, hippo, rhino, hyena, crocodile
    Prey – meerkats, vulture, gazelle, termite, water buffalo, mosquito, black fly, ostrich
    Monsters – minotaur
    Usable vegetation etc. - reeds, vegetables, flowers, cactus

    Swamp (borders jungle, tropical, coastal rainforest)
    Predators – poisonous water snake, anaconda, alligator, panther
    Prey – mosquito, catfish, dragonfly, toads, midges (no-see-ums), dragonfly, turtle
    Monsters – swamp thing
    Usable vegetation etc. - vines, moss, reeds

    Temperate Forest (borders alpine, prairie, coastal rainforest, tundra, wetlands)
    Predators – cougar, raccoon, black bear, raven, owl
    Prey – deer, rabbit, song birds, trout, squirrel, mosquito, horsefly, crawfish
    Monsters – witch
    Usable vegetation etc. - flowers, vegetables, berries, fruits, moss, birch tree

    Tropical (borders savannah, jungle, swamp, desert)
    Predators – jaguar, alligator, komodo dragon, snake
    Prey – parrot, turtle, tropical fish, lizard, pig, monkey
    Monster – undead pirate
    Usable vegetation etc. - fruit, vines, vegetables, berries

    Tundra (borders temperate forest, arctic)
    Predators – wolves, grizzly, white owl, lynx
    Prey – caribou, hare, bison, lemming, mosquito, midges (no-see-ums), pheasant
    Monsters - wraith
    Usable vegetation etc. - berries, moss

    Wetlands (borders temperate forest, prairie, coastal rainforest)
    Predators – Water snake, badger, raccoon, black bear
    Prey – Beaver, moose, blue heron, frogs, mosquito, dragonfly, trout, firefly, duck
    Monsters – fairy
    Usable vegetation etc. - reeds, vegetables,

    This is just some brainstorming. I don't pretend this is written in stone or it's the best idea ever. It certainly isn't a complete list. But it would be great IMHO. No, I don't expect this to be in the next update. Personally, I would prefer to see this kind of diversity instead of say, perfect models and animations for just a few animals. There's a reason mods like Mo
    Creatures for MC are so popular.

    This is one of my favourite parts of being involved in gaming; ideas for games in alpha etc.. if you haven't noticed already. :D Please give your opinions! So forgive me if I throw a lot of ideas out there. I won't cry.. much.. if you don't like them hehe

    Multiple monsters could be found in one biome, I just came up with one each because well.. I gotta be done with this! lol

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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