Dedicated Server not visible in in-game server list

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  • Hi,

    I have a server set up which works perfectly. It's both accessible within my LAN and from an external IP (for the external IP I'm using a VPN seeing that I don't know anyone else who owns the game).
    Yet the server is not displayed in the in-game server list. I was told it should be listed automatically?
    This post also mentions that the server might not be listed if you're within the same LAN yet even when connecting through the VPN (from a different country) the server isn't in the list.
    I even connected my computer directly to the modem (before the router) so that both PCs are definitely not in the same LAN and the result is the same.

    The server's network situation:
    The network is a home internet connection. [internet]->[router]->[server]
    The router is configured to forward the ports 4254-4259 (UDP+TCP) to the server.
    The server has a static IP within the LAN, so the port forwards should keep working.
    My external IP is (I think) dynamic though, although it doesn't change often.
    I set up a dynamic dns to point to my ip: (I can connect to my server using this domain when picking "Connect to IP")

    Besides the server name strings the server config is unchanged.
    So server_list_visible=true

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

  • The problem is probably the outgoing IP. If no IP is set in the file, the hive just uses your outgoing IP. Probably it isn't (as it was mentioned in the other topic).
    On a home computer you usually can't set your remote IP (since your computer isn't aware if it) as server IP (the server would be unable to bind to this IP).

    But alternatively you could try to set server_http_ip to (the hive server uses this IP for his response)

  • I set that variable, but still nothing.

    However, when I hooked my server up straight to the modem (so no router inbetween) it did indeed show up in the list.
    So I guess running from behind a router is just not supported?

    Well, at least I figured out how to make it show up there even though I would prefer to have it behind my router. :)

  • I set that variable, but still nothing.

    However, when I hooked my server up straight to the modem (so no router inbetween) it did indeed show up in the list.
    So I guess running from behind a router is just not supported?

    Well, at least I figured out how to make it show up there even though I would prefer to have it behind my router. :)

    Strange i have my server behind a load balancing router also your modem is a router and modem in one, with your modem you unblocked all ports for the server did you also do this with your router ? another thing is you said you unblocked ports 4254 to 4259 if you want to use the rcon tool your need to also unblock 4253

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Strange i have my server behind a load balancing router also your modem is a router and modem in one, with your modem you unblocked all ports for the server did you also do this with your router ? another thing is you said you unblocked ports 4254 to 4259 if you want to use the rcon tool your need to also unblock 4253

    Hm, Then I need to do some more testing with that.

    No, I did that on the router the port forwarding.
    I'd have to look up some info on my modem to see if it has router functionality built in, but even if it has I'm pretty sure it's not enabled now.
    I'll do some more testing somewhere this week probably.

    rcon, is that short for "remote console"? And used for remote management? That's disabled in the server properties. And I'm not really planning on using that. (The server is running on an old laptop which I can manage directly)

  • Hm, Then I need to do some more testing with that.
    No, I did that on the router the port forwarding.
    I'd have to look up some info on my modem to see if it has router functionality built in, but even if it has I'm pretty sure it's not enabled now.
    I'll do some more testing somewhere this week probably.

    rcon, is that short for "remote console"? And used for remote management? That's disabled in the server properties. And I'm not really planning on using that. (The server is running on an old laptop which I can manage directly)

    Yes i guess red51 named it rcon short for "remote console", if your modem has WiFi or more than one lan port it will have also a router included, in most cases now days 99.9% of modems have a built in router oO it is possible to pass all incoming packets to a local ip NAT / DMZ Host, not recommended unless you know what your doing in most case's you should unblock your ports in the modems software and use your other routers local ip once you have done this you can then go into your other routers software and do the same but for the local ip of the laptop, all ips should be set to static, so in a power cut your settings stay the same, for your wan ip you shouldn't need to worry if its static or not just keep server_ip= <----- blank so even if your wan ip changes the hive wont worry and it will just find your new ip and list it, your uses can connect with your server name in the list or use your link as the server ip,

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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