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  • This might be an interesting way to travel between two mountains where roads or rail don't work because of how steep the slope is.

    Hammer one end into solid stone, then walk to the next point while holding the zipline and hammer the other end in. Maybe you gotta hold the rope in your hand while walking to second point, or start over if you switch to a weapon etc.. This will make it a bit risky to setup a zipline and take some effort.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Don't zip lines only work one way?

    * I remember the (abandoned) Cube World and their "Glider". Pretty cool traversing broad expanses of terrain by gliding.... till reality hit and it dawned on you that you had to climb up before you could launch and glide down.
    * Maybe they'll be redone, but right now the mountains in RW are steep. Too steep for me to climb for sure (though maybe you could dig steps in the sides to get to the top). I'm just thinking that in the time it takes you to climb to the top of a mountain, then climb down from the second one, you could walk (or sprint) between the two.

    I applaud your 'thinking out of the box' and that a zipline would sure have a "Wheeee!" factor. To carry it a step further, you could even set up a chain of ziplines between a series of mountains to traverse (abet one-way) quite a distance.
    Maybe in the future when we get electricity and motors we could have something like ski lifts, which can go up or down (though not as fast) cause they don't depend on gravity to work. Or cable cars, which can haul stuff. Or....sorry, just blew my own mind. :)

  • I believe they can be setup so they work both ways. The momentum of going down one side is enough to bring you up the other side. Just tried to google it but found no answers. You might be right though and it is only one way.

    My thought was, people may do a bunch of surfacing mining on the mountains where stone etc.. is exposed, so will use those locations enough to justify some form of travel between them which is faster then running down the mountain and up the other side. Plus yeah.. it would be fun! Also, this type of travel might be safer once there are monsters lurking around. Mountains will either be a dangerous place or safer then the valleys. We shall see.

    And yeah, ziplines could be upgraded or replaced with better techs.. To start you just use some vines and it doesn't go far, sometimes breaks... and ending with some type of motorized cable lift which you can sit in with your buddy, push a button to operate it.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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