Please help cant connect to our public server

  • Hi first of all i need to say that im a complete noob when talking about servers so ill try and explain our problem the best i can, a few weeks ago i was in our server (TCAdim ) when i got kicked out after a few days we found out that the raid drive went down ;( after a while it eventual came back but now we can not connect to our own public server, we have no trouble in connecting to any other servers apart from our own one ;(X( .

    From what i can see on the TCAdim server page is that the server keeps stopping? we have done all the up-dates as far as i know but it still says "connection error unable to connect" and as this is for both myself and the other moderate it has to be something with the server.

    iv included a log file from it not sure if this will help at all
    server log.txt

  • That type of log does not help us work out whats going on, but i suspect its to do with your server /provider not the game server files them self's , i would start by contacting the server owner, if you have no luck i would move your server to another provider

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

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