biome location

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • I've been thinking about the biomes for this game. I'm curious about how they will be placed in the world. Will there be enough biomes to say, have an equator and two cold polar regions (I don't mean just those three biomes, I mean the layout)? Like earth. Maybe for the game, biomes are random but in this set pattern? I personally would like this. I like the idea of what biome you're in telling you roughly where you are in the world. The compass becomes actually useful for navigation. If you need a specific biome, you can figure out what direction to head. Instead of just going in a straight line and hoping to come across the biome you need.

    Anyways.. just a thought.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Real world biome location would be a great world generation option. If the world were large enough the biomes would change from artic to tundra to forest, etc., all the way to the equator and then the biomes would reverse their order back to artic. I don't know how much computing power these ideas would take, but it might also be fun if deserts were placed behind the rain shadow of the mountains and other similar real weather characteristics. On the other hand some players may want to have random biome location when their world is created. That option should be available as well. Under most circumstances additional options result in a better player experience. That is unless the options are too complicated or have little impact on the game.

  • An option for total random biome location would be a must I agree.

    Would be great to have things like mountain rain shadow and other location specific climates. Like a river running through savannah has almost jungle along it's banks.

    I'm no coder, but I don't see how real world biome locations would be more cpu intensive then totally random biome locations. It might even take less time to generate since some info is already determined. But for all I know that could make it more difficult haha

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Exactly, you could end up in the southern hemisphere. It would be quicker to head south to get to the cold regions. I would like to see biomes from pole to pole (not just from the equator to the north pole). Not just scattered all over the world randomly. That can be a world generation option. But I would like this idea to be default.. just my taste.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I agree - pole to pole biome generation would be my default choice as well. Every player should get the chance to make their own world generation choices, but the idea of heading north of the equator and finding the temperatures dropping would be exciting. It also might be determined by altitude. So that as you ascend a mountain the temperature would drop and the biome would change as well.

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