Any server owner that would like to test a "All-In-One" Plugin?

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hi Server Owners!

    For the past few days i have been coding on this new project which i call "Rising World All-In-One". This plugin already some features, and more are coming.
    The reason why I made this plugin, is first of all I think that Rising World is a great game and i want to support it! Secondly, I made it because I found it hard to setup the different permissions, and i could not really find any wikis on how you would do it. Then the command system / console commands is not really the best in Rising World Right now. So yea, i made this plugin....

    Features right now:
    - /help - gives you a list of all commands.
    - /heal - Heal yourself / a player on the server. Also fixes broken bones.
    - /teleport - Teleports you to a location.
    - /settime - sets the time to day/night.
    - /group - Sets / views a players group.

    - Make your own groups with a "powerlevel". (powerlevel= a number that is the amount of power a group have. fx. 10, then the group can only access commands with the power 10 or below.)
    - Give a certain group prefixes in chat.
    - Broadcast a login message / first time login message.
    - Set the needed power for each command in my plugin.

    Features coming in the next few days:
    - /setspawn - Sets the world spawn for different groups.
    - /ban - Better ban manager (tempban maybe)
    - /kick - Better Kick manager.
    - /warp - Groups with the needed power can work to different server locations.
    - /protect - Protect an area where only people with the needed power can place / destroy terrain.
    - Make the "TAB" popup fancy.

    Features coming later:
    - /setweather - Sets the weather (waiting for API implement)
    - /team or /clan - Make your own team / clan on the server.
    - /vanish - Makes you invisible
    - Alot more to come.

    Thanks for reading!
    - Please reply to this thread if you want to test out the plugin :)

    Best Regards

    Player player = e.getPlayer();
    player.sendTextMessage("I am a Rising World developer");

  • Uh ooh you might of posted this in the wrong forum section.

    This one is

    Server Help
    Server-related troubleshooting (e.g. multiplayer or dedicated server problems)

    You have better luck in
    Here you can present or download plugins

    or even in the category
    Plugin Discussion
    Plugin related discussions, you can ask questions or ask for help.

    :thumbsup: Awesome plugin tho especially the /vanish would be cool in the future

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