Help with group permissions

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  • OK so the issue I am having is when I add myself to group "owner" for example, I am invulnerable and have all of my set permissions. Then when I leave and rejoin my server it still shows I'm in the group "owner" in chat but I lose some permissions such as "invulnerable" and "nohungerthirst". I feel like I'm stuck in the default (admin) permissions every time I join server until I go back to the cmd and type "setplayergroup Alakaii owner".

    Any ideas on how I can fix this issue so I don't have to add myself to group on every login?

    Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:


  • Sorry. I haven't had a chance to look at these until now...

    Now that I think about it, I've noticed on my server as well that as an admin, my hunger/thirst/health can still deplete even with invulnerable and nohungerthirst set to true. However, I cannot die from health depletion or starvation. I'm not sure if this behavior is intended or not. But it seems like it should be improved so those items simply do not deplete.

    An issue I noticed in the admin.permissions file is that the creative section has entries invalid to it: "nohungerthirst" andd "infiniteitems" (also mis-spelled in your file) whichshould go under the general: section. Be very careful about these yaml files. one typo or a spacing issue can make the entire file ignored. You can check the current log file under Log to see if permission set or not. It took me several troubleshooting attempts before I got mine to finally work.

    Also, a word on explicitness, there is no reason to deny any specific items while * is listed. This is redundant. So under creative: deny:, you'll either deny * or deny specific items.

    Other than that, your settings appear correct.

    For details on the permision system, go here:
    Permission system

    And I have not had a chance to try admintools. You can try removing it and see what behavior changes.. i looked it over once but it does not offer me much benefit right now so i haven't tried installing it.

  • zfoxfire Thank you for the reply, :thumbup:

    I will update these files asap. It appears that admintools is not causing this to happen; I am sure this issue will be fixed as the game progresses. I just thought its a good problem to bring up..

    In the meantime I will continue to add myself to group on each initial login, its really not too big a deal.

  • Its odd that the group membership is not staying. try downloading a sql lite application and open the world database. It has the same name as the world and has a db extension.

    Check the Player table and look at the value of the Group column. That should be updated with owner after you log off. If its not saving then could be a problem with the game not writing the data, the server not shutting down properly, or a bug of some type. Are you hosting yourself or did you purchase a game server?

  • I am hosting myself, kinda new at it but learning as best I can with little programing knowledge.

    In my SQlite program I have confirmed I am in the group "owner" in the player table.

    When I join server I am still in owner group [when I type in chat I get the prefix (owner)] the only thing that doesn't stick is invulnerable/nohungerthirst until I re-add myself to the group.
    To check i go to:

    Also when I shutdown server I "saveall" then "shutdown".

    Ive tried just about everything I think 8|

  • Umm did you look in the logs and see if there was an error? I was having troubles also and it told me a had an bad entry. I use notepad ++ and set the language to yaml. That seem to help with spacing and all. I have an error now in my log that says WARNING: Permission creative.npctool not found! not sure what that is about, any ideas??


  • Umm did you look in the logs and see if there was an error? I was having troubles also and it told me a had an bad entry. I use notepad ++ and set the language to yaml. That seem to help with spacing and all. I have an error now in my log that says WARNING: Permission creative.npctool not found! not sure what that is about, any ideas??

    I have looked many times no errors found, also Ive fixed any and all typos I have noticed. I haven't tried with the new update though.. Ill have to give it another try.

    EDIT: Just updated server, runs smoother but still same issue. X/

  • Alakaii,

    Check your server log under Logs. A new file will be created each time you restart your server. Check to see if any issues show up The part about loading permissions happens really early on and before any plugins are loaded. Here's a snip from my server log. See lines 20-29? You'll see a status for each group file read. If any errors are found, you'll see it here:

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