Assault Rifle

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Most peopleare missing the point of the game, look at the main page of the game.
    "Found your own civilisation, team up with other players, trade with them or fight them.

    This is your world, this is Rising World!

    If the game Devs took away our ability to chose it would not be "our" world would it?


  • True that! it is indeed our world, and we can do whatever we want with it. We can already do so much by fiddling with the filters, the options, world generations, and etc. We'll, be also be able to do so, so, so MUCH more with this game that it's making us horribly impatient to see what Rising World shall be on the flip-side.

    This is also why I try to steer away from linear game as they tend to make things feel claustrophobic. Rising World is as open as you'll get, and who knows....maybe someone shall use Rising World to improve their game, just as Rising World is doing with Minecraft heh.

    Also, we can mod the game in far more detail and strength than Minecraft. Maybe not equally yet, but it will give you many MANY options later. You could even have those 'assault rifles' that was desired long ago, among other things. Even +18, anime related things, other game things, and etc. Rising World is YOUR world, do what you want with it.

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