more dangerous beast, less good animals

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • agreed... and make them a lot harder to kill

    two hitting a tiger isn't much of a challenge

    i'd even push for more fantasy type stuff, though hopefully people will mod existing creatures for that sort of thing

  • just a few small comments from my understanding so far:

    1) the devs seem to want to keep this game realistic, thus fantasy creatures would probably not fit in that objective (If you mod them in that is another thing).
    2) this is more of a creative building game than a survival game at its current state which many people here like and push to that direction more than the survival one.
    3) armour will be added at some point (the character slots have been in the game for quite some time now) thus more creatures to fight should be coming as well whatever they might be (i wouldn't bet on zombies or dragons though)
    4) I don't think this will ever become a pure survival game like many others that already exist, the construction system is too immense to just throw away by forcing people to think if they are going to die every second (be it from starvation/dehydration or random beasts attacking their settlement)

  • 4) I don't think this will ever become a pure survival game like many others that already exist, the construction system is too immense [...]

    Indeed! I am one of those "pushing" for keeping the accent on building.

    However, this has been discussed many times and, apart from personal liking (everyone is entitled to his/her own), playability and game flow should be kept in mind. If there is a tangible chance to be attacked by, say, a 'real' tiger or bear in the first minutes of play -- as it is now the case, luckily it is not really 'real' --, the character should start equipped with a minimum inventory giving him some chance of surviving while he is building his 'foothold'; which means a decent attack weapon, a decent defence (armour or whatever) and perhaps other things, in addition to the tools allowing to start the building process.

    This would gear RW toward a kind of game as there are many already around, as @Minotorious noted. I am rather curious how the dev team plans to approach the survival aspects of the game; I have the feeling that too marked a stress on fighting is likely to result in an unbalanced mixture of two sometime conflicting targets.

    This without even raising the topic of realism which, in a simulation, is a very complex matter.

    P.S.: it should also be kept in mind that something like a sword is largely useless against, say, a tiger, as the range within which a sword is effective, -- less than 1 m -- is covered by the tiger in a fraction of a second: before, you can do nothing, after, you are dead. This raises the argument of range weapons (bows or rifles) with their ammunitions, of aiming skills, and so on, and so on...

  • Well, just like it already is, there's creative mode if all you want to do is build.

    Yes and no, actually. Creative mode is useful, but in some sense it is a kind of 'cheating'. I think that having to care and plan about resources, food, maybe in the future fatigue or illness and so on in order to achieve a visible result, would already make for a reasonable playing experience. If someone really want to hand a sword and kill beasts, there is already plenty of games for that.

    Of course, as I already said, every perspective is legitimate.

  • Ohh I see.

    I asked in the update thread and the mod said they ARE putting in more aggro type mobs, but they'll probably be mostly in dungeons and hell.

    So I think that works for both types of players.

    You could also build walls...

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