I've Been Wondering

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  • As I play, I've been thinking about what might be in the game in the future. One of the things I'm hoping to see is environmental hazards like cold damage in snowy regions, heat damage in desert and savannah areas, and maybe the possibility of disease in swamps/bogs if there is any. Right now, besides our own mistakes, predators, and drowning. There isn't a lot of other hazards to worry about.

    Maybe even weather hazards would be something to look forwards too as well! I've only recently started to play so I don't really know what is all planned for the game but I figured I could come here and toss around my thoughts with the community and find out.

    I also think it could be interesting for environmental hazards in mines, something that even miners in real life had to be cautious of.

  • Environmental diseases is what you'll indeed see in the future. Having to stay hot in cold biomes and cold in hot biomes, yup. That's planned. Go play 7 Days to Die and you'll get a basic idea of where Rising World is going. You'll catch as cold, and etc from the environment that you'll have to worry about quite a lot with medicine being of high importance for when you survive.

    How detailed is to be seen, yet wouldn't be surprised if we would see diseases naturally in swamp to ward off. Hogweeds themselves you'll have to be well protected in long sleeves so you wouldn't get skin irritation in the game.

    There's a lot planned. You can see small signs of such in the winter type biomes when your character exhales. That in itself.......As for collapses in mines, I'd say leave that for Medieval Engineer as things might get a bit too tedious. Maybe some falling debris here and there, I guess, which would force you to wear a mining helmet and such for safety to negate damage.

  • Environmental diseases is what you'll indeed see in the future. Having to stay hot in cold biomes and cold in hot biomes, yup. That's planned. Go play 7 Days to Die and you'll get a basic idea of where Rising World is going. You'll catch as cold, and etc from the environment that you'll have to worry about quite a lot with medicine being of high importance for when you survive.

    How detailed is to be seen, yet wouldn't be surprised if we would see diseases naturally in swamp to ward off. Hogweeds themselves you'll have to be well protected in long sleeves so you wouldn't get skin irritation in the game.

    There's a lot planned. You can see small signs of such in the winter type biomes when your character exhales. That in itself.......As for collapses in mines, I'd say leave that for Medieval Engineer as things might get a bit too tedious. Maybe some falling debris here and there, I guess, which would force you to wear a mining helmet and such for safety to negate damage.

    Ohh neat! I have noticed the breathing bits which had me thinking! I actually own 7 Days to Die, but I haven't played it in over a year. Mostly cause zombies scare me terribly...

    As for the mines, I considered mentioning cave ins, however, I was more or less thinking of poisonous gasses and or maybe even air depletion in places too far from the surface. Though that would be an issue with the undegeons underground so this is not really that important.

  • Red would have to add parakeet to the animals to take down to the mines with you. :D:D

    There has been some talk about adding structurally integrity to the game/buildings so you would have to build them according to the real world but if you looked at different server a lot of people would be greatly annoyed if this happened and their building came crashing down. ;(=O=O

    That is what you would need to make mines collapse, also if you were to tunnel to Hell you would have to take breaks to adjust to the pressure like in the real world, and add shoring to the sides.

    The main thing to remember we "play" this game to escape the real world and to have fun. :D .
    What I am waiting for is when you can make Beer then I will invite everyone over for a Beer fest and have fun!!! 8o8o

    On the Zombies part come to my 7 days to Die server and play. I have my zombies toned down because my gaming motto is "I Play games for fun!!!"

  • We may end up getting generic forms of beer & wine, something I don't mind having. Who knows if we'll have what I'm seeking of having the finer side of things to grow your wine, crushing it, putting it into barrels/kegs, to then have it there for novelty type thing. Just having it there in appearance from when I visited Europe (Modra, Slovakia) seeing vineyards everywhere. Knowing France has it, Ontario in Canada, and etc. Should be fun.

    Not sure if Red51 wants to play with structural integrity with how much of a chaos it would bring. Medieval Engineers takes takes that route though, and it's fun. Mines also collapsing would be a real hassle that I'm not sure what to think of them. I think I'd be against it.

    I also do hope Red51 adds actual realistic zombies (look at Dragon's Dogma) to very rare areas (dead islands that are hard to find) where it would be out of sight and mind, yet still there at random.

    ......... On a side note I want to know how wide the horses are, and how tall they are.....I'm doubting a 3 block wide entrance would do it.... Maybe 4......I don't even know how high I should even make my entrances. I'm waiting on horses & camels to start making stables the right way.

  • Yeah, I did say that but Red51 did note that there may be a slim chance of having a generic take on 'booze'. If it's in a shopping center/corner store then you should be able to see it in the game........ I've also become slightly more familiar that I also over-reacted since then, yet we may see some 'generic' side of things on various things.

    Things have been frustratingly touchy because of German laws & GEMA to see how Red51 implements things, if at all. If we'll gain generic beer & wine without the buzz.

  • Maybe we can get "grape juice" and "wheat soda" that just happen to be made the same way wine and beer are made.

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

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