Server won't boot

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  • Hi,

    Since the latest update, we've had issues with a clients server. The server can't boot. This is the log:

    It just goes in loop like this forever - it's been running for hours with no progress.

    We've tried moving the server to a new location, deleting the cache, removing the lib folder and force a Steam update, but nothing has been able to solve the problem for us.

    Get your own Rising World server today!

  • The server is converting the world. This was necessary for the latest updates, unfortunately this can take some time. Depending on the size of the world, this may even take some hours. Only if the servers is running out of free space on the hdd, this might cause issues.

  • Hello,

    Just to put in my two cents :D . I download the world and was able to convert it on my windows machine in about ten minutes. I am in the process of getting it uploaded so we will see how it goes from there. Just my own thought could it be it does not like something on the Linux machine? :?: This is the second time I had trouble with my worlds converting ;( and both was on Linux boxes.


  • Just my own thought could it be it does not like something on the Linux machine?

    This might be true if there are file access restrictions on Linux. For the world conversion, the game has to delete the "cache" folder in the game directory (if this fails this will already cause trouble with the world generation) and create/modify/delete files in the Worlds/<your-world>/worldParts folder.
    Last but not least the jdbc driver needs access to the temp folder, but this isn't related to world conversions, that's always the case when running a RW dedicated server ;)

  • The account that runs the server has almost full access to the directory in which the game server is installed. A few file types that we specify won't be visible to the user, but the account that runs the server will still be able to use these.
    The necessary permissions are applied to the /tmp folder as well.

    Could just be that the world conversion is taking a long time. When started through TCAdmin, TCAdmin will shut down the server if it's not responding within 5 minutes (which it isn't since it hasn't been started properly). My guess would be that the issue here is the 5-minute-restart? I'd guess the conversion starts all over.

    Get your own Rising World server today!

  • Hello,

    Just to put in my two cents :D . I download the world and was able to convert it on my windows machine in about ten minutes. I am in the process of getting it uploaded so we will see how it goes from there. Just my own thought could it be it does not like something on the Linux machine? :?: This is the second time I had trouble with my worlds converting ;( and both was on Linux boxes.

    Those "Linux boxes" are probably rented, shared hosts, aren't they? Ten minutes of full, continuous CPU time may easily take half an hour on a shared machine (assuming your task is not blocked for exceeding the CPU load quota).

    I do not have very large worlds, but on my local (not rented, not shared!) Linux machine all world conversions after the updates of the last days took only seconds; they were longer than previous conversions, though (as expected, I assume).

  • Could just be that the world conversion is taking a long time. When started through TCAdmin, TCAdmin will shut down the server if it's not responding within 5 minutes (which it isn't since it hasn't been started properly). My guess would be that the issue here is the 5-minute-restart? I'd guess the conversion starts all over.

    Oh yes, that's probably the reason why it doesn't work. During world conversion, the server isn't fully online yet (http server isn't running, nobody is able to connect etc), and if it's a larger world, the conversion may easily take longer than 5 minutes ;)

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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