few long term bugs that are bugging us and would like to see fixed (or at least an ETA on a fix would be nice)

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • After discussing it with a fellow player the other day I thought it was a good idea to make a new forum thread and ask if and when these issues will be addressed:

    1) blocks not blocking light

    2) animal collision with construction elements, blocks

    3) fires (i.e. torches, campfire, etc.) not visible though glasspanes. (with logarithmic rendering on, haven't tried it with it off)

  • 1) blocks not blocking light

    Unfortunately this requires a rework of the lighting system. If light gets blocked by blocks and/or construction elements, this would require a lot more computations (and as a result, the performance will suffer, or more precisely, the chunk generation). Especially when people place lots of light sources in close proximity to each other.
    So this issue is definitely on our list, but unfortunately I can't really give an ETA on that. Probably we'll focus on that issue after the player models ;)

    2) animal collision with construction elements, blocks

    That's something that needs to be improved step by step. We already tried to reduce many collision issues with animals (falling through the ground, walk through walls etc), but there is still some work to do. These issues should be solved (at the very latest) when we're going to implement real NPCs

    3) fires (i.e. torches, campfire, etc.) not visible though glasspanes

    Hmm.. apparently this seems to occur in certain situations only. I'll update the rendering order, maybe have a look if this issue still occurs after the next hotfix (which will be available in a few hours) ;)

  • I would like to add one item to this list
    -Saloon doors-
    They look awesome and are a great idea but I am having to remove them every few sessions due to their fits of stubbornness. I would love to see them get fixed.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

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