Stuck in walls

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Don't knoq what I pressed
    But I am stuck in fly over and through - everything.
    Cannot turn it off and go back to resource collection.
    Third time I have restarted the game to get away from the problem.
    Perhaps gets started when I walk slightly into wall and see through.
    Don't try to do it but low tunnels sometimes happen.

    How to tun off?

  • There are a few keys to press in game that really help your game play.

    F1 when holding a wood plank or building piece will give a tutorial on the keys.
    F2 to turn on/off fly (clip through walls, ground, and fly) mode.
    F3 to get a lot of information about the depth you are when mining and other information. Most of which I have not figured out, like which number is the depth you're at.

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