hey @red51 I was trying to add the option for my Blueprint editor to save the image as a png file but then I noticed that before the RGBA values start there are a few (19 to be exact) extra bytes. What are these used for? To be more specific these bytes are after the 4 bytes that signify the imagedata length and before the actual RGBA values start. For instance in a random blueprint I just opened:
00100013 000002000000020005414247523800100000FF 596264FF686F71FF747B7CFF697273FF6F7374FF
first segment imagedata length
second segment the unknown bytes
third segment the start of the actual RGBA imagedata
Edit: to add another question since I did some experimenting, are the bytes in the order RGB or some other order (GRB, BGR, etc.) because I am getting correct but very weirdly coloured images ?