Pixelmon Mod (Minecraft)

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  • I'm sure you guys heard the news that 'The Pokemon Company' pulled Pixelmon from the Minecraft world. They killed the game because there's been mention of a new Pokemon RPG coming out on the Switch that it may conflict with one another, or something like that. I'm sharing this because it also impacts how Rising World would thrive in the modding scene when it comes to detailed modding that it makes one wonder. I used to play Pixelmon, and I loved it. It constantly wanted to pull me into Minecraft, even with Rising World here, that I want to see Pokemon co-existing properly. Not negatively with stuff, as it's now becoming, yet with happy thoughts and etc.

    This feels like GEMA Youtube crap because it feels like we're being 1) Censored - 2) Not allowed to have fun modding Pokemon in games, & 3) Forcing the Pokemon RPG far too harshly that Nintnedo never bothers to listen to their fans in the first place.


    - Pixelmon Shut down:

    - Petition:


    Again, I bring this up because I wanted to eventually see a Pokemon mod done for Rising World mirroring what's being done in Minecraft. The whole training, flying, swimming, riding, and battling. The whole actual real-world Pokemon thing going on, yet in more detail with Rising World going to have a more complex take on modding. Those finer details, and etc. Even though I struggled to jump back onto Pixelmon after the fact, I still wanted to jump back into the game because of the void created by Nintendo & Pixelmon. The whole free-roaming, and etc. I loved flying, the looting, crafting Pokeballs, and just....in a free-roamy world. Growing berries to make Pokeballs. It's the best example of how to make a Pokemon game, yet Nintendo constantly refused to listen.

    "Are we allowed to mod Pokemon?" - When you have to ask whether you can mod something in or not you know something stupid happened. Something negative, and etc.

    Nintendo constantly hitting all the wrong notes. With that, I doubt we'll see a Pokemon mod for Rising World because of what happened with Pixelmon. Nintendo's greed getting the better of them that Pokemon shall have to die a painful death now thanks to Nintendo's poorly placed stepping.

  • as sad as it made me for the people who loved the mod, I'm pretty sure that Nintendo really had no choice. I used to read a really neat webcomic (that I really should get back to, but I digress), and the owner of it was (and likely still is) very, very defensive with all the copyright. He explained that it wasn't personal, or greed or anything like that. He was just required to defend his copyrights or lose them, and if he lost them, then anyone would be able to use his creations and profit from them and that was, of course, not acceptable. Yeah, Pixelmon wasn't profiting from their work, but because there are people in the world who steal copyrights, that's why we can't have good things. Like Pixelmon and countless other things that big companies have taken down. ||

    The only thing pixelmon could really do at this point is redo the assets so they're not the characters from Nintendo. It'd be a lot of work and it wouldn't be the same, but at least it'd be close. :/

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

  • It worries me that something like this won't be possible for Rising World because the same thing shall happen. The whole training, flying, making Pokeballs, and etc. And yeah, you're not the only one that told me that "Pokemon Company' may have been forced to do this, something that still is a horrible move because Pixelmon was a shining example of what to do with Pokemon games, something that we still don't have. You're correct with what you wrote. Creating a Pixelmon mod without pokemon is just....... counter-productive?

    I just hope some flying aspects of Pixelmon shall carry over into Rising World that we can fly in some manner. I suggested how on the steam forums that maybe I should quote it here to both inherit what Minecraft lost, as well as to 'spite'.

    Who know if it'll even see light, and I'm sure the feeling of losing a good mod shall fade.

  • oh, yes. I'd love something like that too. And hey, if dragons are too fantastic... we could maybe have a roc!

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

  • Hmm.... Seems like Nintendo is stalling out on their Pokemon RPG by failing to give a release date. With the death of Pixelmon it better have what we all desired or they shall deserve every portion of hatred & venting aimed at them. If you're going to kill Pixelmon, stall the game, and then possibly release it containing half of what we want then they deserve hate.

    Yeah, still being bitter about this. I see it in poor taste, even if being told "they" had to do it to protect their property.

  • I'd rather they take their time and do it right than rush it like they're apparently doing with the Ultra Sun and Moon games. But yeah... I'm afraid that they are, indeed, forced to shut down things like Pixelmon. :( Blame the people who are truly at fault here, which are the thieves that caused all these laws to be enacted in the first place. If all people respected other people's properties, then we could have things like Pixelmon and many other really cool things that we have had to lose instead. Nintendo may be the one pulling the plug here, but they're not really to be blamed for the fact that this had to be done in the first place. Here's hoping the Switch RPG will be a good one and not just more of the Coliseum games.

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

  • I guess you misread the way I wrote it because I'm simply seeing Nintendo doing things in a sloppy way when they've shut down Pixelmon. I, of course, want the Pokemon RPG to be done properly, not the way you probably read the way I wrote it to simply be released in a rushed & buggy mess. Development wise what they're doing could be wise, and I do hope they take the proper time and effort to know why Pixelmon was so special, held so highly, and a good example of an ideal Pokemon game should be. I want the game to be done properly, more so after the heavy impact of Pixelmon. People wanted this, yet it had to be pulled.

    And if you're talking about thieving then go after people on ARK, not Pixelmon. The models were made from scratch, and the voices were done by the community. The people on ARK blatantly took assets from the game, not Pixelmon. And yeah.

    Yeah, I just wanted to share that video from 'The Know' because it simply brings some salt on my end.

    (Writing this with 6 hrs of sleep. Sorry for any hostilities.)

  • I never said Pixelmon was stealing something. Only that it's the victim of those that actually do steal (like ARK, maybe? I can't comment on ARK, since I'm unfamiliar with it). Because if every person respected others' properties in the first place, the laws that eventually led to Pixelmon's untimely and sad demise wouldn't need to exist in the way they do.

    I do think we need better copyright laws, but that's another topic entirely.

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

  • That's okay. It's just stuff that happens. :)

    Yeah, just ripping assets from the game is pretty.... yeah. Bad.

    Here's hoping that Nintendo does the new RPG right!

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

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