Driver updates for Nvidia Aug 2017

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • While checking to see if I had to update my Nvidia drive I found that I did need to update. which I did.
    Also this: apparently Java based games (such as MC, etc) have been having problems with the Nvidea cards. The game experience gives shortcut to a hot patch to fix the problem. It works well.

  • Also this: apparently Java based games (such as MC, etc) have been having problems with the Nvidea cards

    That's not directly related to Java, instead it's related to OpenGL (MC also uses OpenGL) ;) Actually it's not OpenGL's fault, but since the majority of games still use DirectX (unfortunately), there is a higher chance that a graphics driver may contain an OpenGL related bug (or in other words, it may take longer until OpenGL related issues are found and fixed). NVIDIA usually provides great OpenGL support, so it rarely happens that you run into any OpenGL issues. Recent AMD and Intel graphics drivers also provide good OpenGL support, but they suffered from severe issues in the past (preventing most modern OpenGL games to run properly). Of course there is always a chance that a new driver contains a new OpenGL specific bug, but usually it gets fixed very quickly. I usually recommend to wait before installing a new graphics driver, unless your current graphics driver causes problems :)

  • Thanks for reply Red. I appreciate the information.

    I agree that installing a new graphics driver is not always a good option. But in this case, Nvidia recommended upgrading the new driver for my GeF 970 gtx, and also patching a hotfix for, what I thought was a Java problem fix.

    I did follow their advice and it improved my game on the multiple player server-but only if I play it on my Steam account. If I play the multiple player through the stand alone version, I have very bad lag and occasional total freeze and lucky if I get 40 fps.
    I've never had any problems on the single players: either through Steam or with my standalone version of RW. With high to med settings, I get from 90-120 fps and no lag or freezing.
    I've got Alienware liquid cooled 7i Windows10 20 Gram Gef 970 gtx with 4g I have a good steady connection.

    I no longer worry about improving play on my stand alone multiple. As long as its alpha, it is going to continue to change as it's optimisesd- so I will wait before adj. on my end.

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