Poster or png showing in blueprints

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • I have been working with blueprints and I haven't been able to get a sign with print, a poster (with png or jpeg print) to show up on a set down blueprint. I've tried 3 diff. ways to try to get the print to show up when placed.

    Ex: I made a wall and placed board signs with printing on them. I then blueprinted the wall. When I placed that blueprint, the wall and signs were there but no printing on the signs.

    Ex. I made a wall and placed posters on it made with pngs. I then blueprinted the wall. When I placed that blueprint, the wall was there and blank poster spaces.

    Ex. I made a wall and placed posters on it made with jpegs. I then bluerprinted the wall. When I placed that blueprint, the was was there and blank poster spaces.

    Does anyone know how to make a blueprint that will capture and hold a printed sign of any kind that will show when you set that blueprint down?

  • 1) Posters are not blueprintable (i.e. they cannot be saved in blueprints in any way atm)
    2) Signs are blueprintable but the text does not stay on them, again there is no way to change that atm.

    This is the main reason why many players do not use posters, you have to place them all again if you want to BP your building from e.g. one server to another, or one SP world to another.

    PS: when it comes to a game the file format (png/jpg) doesn't make that big of a difference unless the dev has specified special image parameters which he hasn't until now

  • Thanks, Min.

    The main difference between the jpgs and png files is this:
    Jpgs may or may not show background on placing using posters. ie a jpeg of a rug will usually show the rug plus the wall or floor texture that may be shown in the original shot making the jpeg.
    Png files will not show the background on placing with the poster. Sometimes they may come in a very wierd scale and then give problems trying to delete them.

  • yeah haha there are more fundamental differences between the two file formats than "they show or not show the background" but you shouldn't (and in fact don't) have to worry about that when it comes to this game :)

    General advice, use PNG instead of JPG when you can (the files may be a bit larger but they are lossless when it comes to resizing. (i.e you can make them tiny, save them and then make them normal size again and the image does not get pixelated, while a JPG image would get pixelated in the same scenario ;) )

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