A reason to explore

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Give us a reason to explore (for those of us that like that). Randomly placed items, POI's, achievments for finding or using items. (look into the game YONDER as an example.) this is a great game for those that are completionist and explorers.

    Have us hunt down extremely rare items to be able to create epic equipment or placeable objects. etc etc.

    Just make sure they are randomly placed so we can't just find a map on-line.

  • Pyramids are located in desert biomes so have fun finding those for now. There's abandoned cabins, records with music.... That's a nice start, I'd say. With the next update there'll be rare clothing you can only find in dungeons and such.

    Red51 is trying, and I'm glad he is. There's been plans to add hidden urns into the ground you could dig to find to gain loot from them. He wants to tackle the world generation related content much later because of how it complicated it is and such that he'd much rather add a more basic foundation to the game on a survival level.

    He's trying.

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