VR Support after stable release?

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • NOTE: This would be good after a stable version is released. I rather have more features first, VR later.

    I have in fact read steam discussions about this, 3 to be exact. But all of them are just requests. I would also like to make suggestions for controls. I will add more suggestions to this. But for now I would like to start with Rift Controls.

    1. Movement
    (Tap = Crouch Toggle) OR (Hold = Crouch)
    Double Forward = Sprint
    2. A = Zoom
    B = Rotate X* degrees right
    C = Unmapped
    D = Rotate X* degrees left
    Tap = Jump
    Double Tap or Hold = Fly
    3. Inventory
    4. Chat
    5. Map
    6. Journal
    7. Main Menu
    8. SteamVR Menu
    9. Secondary Action (similar to right click)
    10. Primary Action (similar to left click)
    11. HOLD to activate Placement Mode, but must have a placeable object in hand. (Might switch with 12?)
    12. HOLD and move hand left or right. Left = Compass, Right = Clock

    Placement (Holding Left Grip. Might be right grip?)
    Move left controller to move object left and right.
    13. Press = Freeze
    A. Taller ( Both grips held)
    Grid size +
    B. Wider
    C. Shorter (Both grips held)
    Grid Size -
    D. Thinner
    14. A. If controller is horizontal = Forward
    If vertical = Up
    B. Unmapped
    C. If horizontal = Backward
    If vertical = Down
    D. Unmapped
    15. Toggle Modular
    16. Toggle Grid
    17. Reset placement
    18. Unbound
    19. Main Menu
    20. SteamVR Menu
    21. Unmapped
    22. Unmapped
    23. HELD
    24. Hold to resize element. -> Use left joystick to resize

    This idea is not finalized. Welcome to suggestions for change.

    I might work on some ideas for the mapping of the Vive wands. But I'm not familiar with them so idk.

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