[Plugin] ShutdownInfoTimer

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Ok 1 thing I have noticed is if you change your config and just restart the server the changes do not hold. You have to fully shut down the server and restart it from stopped for the changes in the system.property file to take hold. I have had 2 mornings the server did not make the announcements and I witnessed 1 of these myself. Although I have had the announcements work properly under test conditions and the only difference is the hard stop and restart rather then a regular automated restart. I have a server hosted by GTX and this is what is happening. Also if you use the reloadplugins command in the console it causes the server to crash and has to be restarted.

  • Similar problems I already had independently of the plugin. Did you upload the file via FTP? Sometimes the files are still open and FTP says Upload Ok but if you update the folder you will see that nothing has changed. Then it needs a hard stop and restart. With "Reloadplugins" it happened to me that the server somehow a part of the old and a part of the new plug-in has loaded, which of course ended in server error. This happened to me only when the newly copied plugin had "many" new classes. If the plugin is properly loaded by a "hard" restart, there are no problems with modifying configuration files and reloadplugins.


    Ähnliche Probleme hatte ich selber schon unabhänging von dem Plugin. Hast du die Datei per FTP Hochgeladen? Manschmal sind die Dateien noch Offen und FTP sagt Hochladen Ok aber Aktualisiert man den Ordner sieht man das sich nix geändert hat. Dann braucht es ein Hardstop und neustart. Bei "Reloadplugins" kam es bei mir mal dazu das der Server irgendwie ein teil des Alten und ein Teil des neuen Plugins geladen hat, was natürlich im Server Error endete. Das Passierte bei mir nur wenn das neu Kopierte Plugin "viele" neu Klassen hatte. Ist das Plugin durch ein "Hard" restart Ordentlich geladen, gibt es eigendlich keine Probleme mit dem Abändern von Konfigurations Dateien und dem reloadplugins.

  • ok day 3 of morning restarts did not work. I hard started the server yesterday morning and let it run through an evening restart and it worked so I left it run but no announcement this morning. I know the first position in the settings works after a hard start but after automated restart my 11:00 setting is not working and if I leave it I bet the evening announcement won't work. I have not tried this yet but it would follow the pattern.

    I have a GTX server and use there auto restart system set for every 12 hrs. It seems that it is not loading the system.properties on automated restart.

    the reloadplugin thing seems to have gone away :)

  • if you left the debug=1, it just logs the "restart should be now". Set it to 3 then record each output with time.
    wenn du den Debug=1 gelassen hast Protokolirt er nur den "Neustart sollte jetzt sein". Setze ihn auf 3 dann Protokoliert er jeden Ausgabe mit Zeitpunkt.

  • Day 4 of no restarts announcement in the morning. I made the debug change and when relodplugins the server crashed so I hard started the server. It ran through the night restart fine but when it came time for the morning restart it failed again. I did not do a hard start after evening restart so this is where the problem lies. where is the debug log kept? I will attempt to mimic the problem and send the log if I could find it. The timer does not load system.propertise after a soft restart only a hard start.

  • Oke, can you send me the log/s ^^
    do You used dayly=11\:00 23\:00?

    yes the times are 11\:00 and 23\:00

    I will send the log after tonights restart when I expect the server anponcements to fail so as to not interrupt my people. I will sent the log from before the restart and after
    and if the announcements fail tonight then after the auto restart I will do a hard restart so you can compare them

    The server announcements worked for the evening restart but I think I did a hard start this morning
    here is the softrestart file after evening restart.
    and I shut down the server and then did a hard start for this log
    now after the restart at 11 am eastern time I will know if a hard start allowes the morning announcements. Will let you know then.

    my system.properties looks like this

    #Thu May 03 17:43:05 EDT 2018
    dayly=11\:00 23\:00
    intervall=15 10 5 1

  • if there really is nothing (for example [ShutdownInfoTimer] Update Ausführen[600] 11:00) in the log. I do not know how to continue, then only a log helps with debug = 5 just before the info start, I still can imagine the 24H and 12H time naming is a problem, that runs with you under Windows (7/10) or a Windows server?
    wenn da wirklich nix (z.B.[ShutdownInfoTimer] Update Ausführen[600] 11:00) im Log kommt. Weiß ich langsam auch nicht mehr weiter, dann hilft nur mal ein Log mit Debug=5 kurz befor die Infos Starten, kann mir noch Vorstellen das 24H und 12H Zeitbenennung ein Problem ist, das läuft bei dir unter Windows (7/10) oder nem Windows Server?

  • ok update, as of this morning the first setting in system.properties did work after a hard restart last night. I will let it run and see if it will work tonight. I expect it will not after the soft restart but we will see. The hard start last night did make a difference this morning. Maybe it will just work now I hope, but until now I have not had any luck with the soft restart but as I said I will let you know.

    The server is a windows server and I run win 10 on my rig.

  • Ok we have some more progress. This shouldn't be this way but if I do a hard start before the first announcement then both announcements will work but if I do a restart between the 2 announcements I have to do a hard start after the second restart to get the first announcement to work again. I will tell you tomorrow morning if once set up so that both announcements work weather the first announcement will work on the second day.

  • ok bad news. This is what has to be done to get the restart announcements to work. The announcements failed this morning again after letting the server run over night without a hard start. The third announcement session failed.

    1. your config instructions are correct.

    2 after config you need to hard start the server, not reloadplugins or restart the server. If you reload plugins the server will crash and if you restart the server, only the second announcement will work.

    3.If you hard start or restart the server while the time is in between the 2 announcement times, you must do a hard start after the second announcement to get both to work.

    4. No matter what! you MUST do a hard start after the second restart to get both announcements to work the next day and has to be done EVERY evening.

  • I am a little confused ^^. So the plugin should "only" indicate that a reboot is imminent. For example, on Severn where you can enter in a calendar or so that the server reboots, usually make the backup and so on. This reboot can be announced by the plugin.
    You may be looking for something that will restart itself.
    If the server is not restarted from the outside we do not bring this script much, because the day is calculated only in the Inizialiesierung, it is quasi "still" a hard restart per day in advance.
    Doing a restart by yourself requires an individual system vote (it is possible), but is not supported here ^^

    ich bin ein wenig verwirrt ^^. Also das Plugin soll "nur" anzeigen das ein Neustart bevor steht. Z.B. auf Severn wo mann in einem Kalender oder so eintragen kann das der Server neustartet, meist machen die noch ein Backup und so. Dieser neustart kann durch das Plugin Angekündigt werden.
    Du suchst eventuell etwas was selber einen Neustart durch führt.
    Wenn der Server nicht von Außen neugestartet wir bringt dieses Script nicht viel, da der Tag nur in der Inizialiesierung berechnet wird, es setzt quasi "noch" einen Hard Neustart Pro tag vorraus.
    Selber einen Neustart durchzu führen bedarf einer Individuellen System Abstimmung (es ist Möglich),wird hier aber nicht unterstützt ^^

  • Restart script is provided by my server provider GTX. I rent.

    your messages work great. the timing of the messages are what they should be. it will not play the first set of announcements unless you stop the server and then start it sometime before the morning announcements. It will only use the second set of announcements, 12 hrs later if the automated restart happens. to get the first set of announcements to work you must do a hard start before it or if you let the system run it's course for the full 24 hrs and start another cycle, the first set of announcements will not happen or fail. The later set of announcements will still happen for some reason after an automated restart that my provider provides, but the first set of announcements will not happen on the second day without shutting down the server and starting it back up. Also if you start the server between the first and second set of announcements you must do a shut down and start after the nightly announcements. This makes it hard for the owner/admin that has to always stop the server and start the server by hand every night. If it is stopped and started in the afternoon the morning announcements will fail.

    what I am looking for is a plugin I can start and makes announcements every 12 hrs without having to play with restarting the server to get the announcements to work.

  • Update (0.0.4)

    FIX - Zeitberechnung, @sharkbitefischer should now run with you.
    FIX - Yell Farbcode, entfernt.
    NEW - Debug Temporär im Laufendem Spiel Ändern.
    NEW - Timer Status abfrage.

    ;( Offensichtlich reicht meine Praktische erfahrung mit Windows Servern nicht aus. Hier könnte mir mal einer sagen wie Windows RW im Serverbetrieb neu Startet? Ich denke über PowerShell?!?
    Obviously, my practical experience with Windows servers is not enough. Here could someone tell me how Windows RW restarts in server mode? I think about PowerShell?!?

  • Offensichtlich reicht meine Praktische erfahrung mit Windows Servern nicht aus. Hier könnte mir mal einer sagen wie Windows RW im Serverbetrieb neu Startet? Ich denke über PowerShell?!?
    Obviously, my practical experience with Windows servers is not enough. Here could someone tell me how Windows RW restarts in server mode? I think about PowerShell?!?

    does it even matter how the server restarts? ?( Shouldn't make a difference to the plugin's function :/ But yes a windows server is restarted with almost the same commands as a linux one but instead of doing through the shell it can be done either through CMD or in case you need some more special command the PowerShell. ;)

    The way I understand a plugin like this would work is by checking the difference between the current server time with the restart time every 2-5 seconds and when that difference is less than 1, 5, 10, etc. minutes it would send a message.

    You can get the current server time by using java.util.Date and then read the restart time from a file as you have already done. ()

    The difference is long difference = restartTime.getTime() - currentTime.getTime(); in ms.

    Thus divide that number by 60000 to get the time difference in minutes.

    Then start sending the announcements in the predefined intervals when the minutes value is less than e.g. 10.

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