Game crashes at start

  • Hello All,

    This has started the last week or so I will start the game and it crashes right then and there.
    I dump my java and it seems okay for bit. Java is latest and greatest.
    I attached error file. Please advise


    • rw startup.txt

      (2.59 kB, downloaded 289 times, last: )


  • Sorry for the late response! The error in the log is related to a bug which caused the game to crash if the debug console is active. This issue should be fixed after the latest update ;) If you still run into any problems, please let us know!

  • Im getting the same problem now and Im not computer savy. The game was working fine yesterday 22.07.18. It crashes while on the JIW games screen before even getting to the main menu. Then I get this error code:

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam)
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, H77M/H77M-S, 16348 MB (4225 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 20180624000000.000000-000
    (0) Speakers (Stealth 600), STEREO, 2, 48000
    (1) L26M1 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio), STEREO, 2, 48000
    (2) Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition ..., STEREO, 2, 48000
    Error initializing FMod
    de.jiw.fmod.core.FModException: Error initializing output device.
    at Method)
    at content.Game.initSoundState(SourceFile:2974)
    at w.h.b(SourceFile:87)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
    at Source)

    Any help would be appreciated as I love Rising World.

  • Im getting the same problem now

    Actually this error is not related to the original topic ;) In your case, the audio output device could not be initialized. Usually this happens if a wrong audio device is set up in Windows, or if there is a driver issue. Sometimes this issue also happens if there is no audio device (speaker/headset) connected to the computer.

    Please try this: rightclick on the small speaker icon in the lower right corner of your screen and select "Playback devices" (if this does not exist, click on "Sounds", then go to the "Playback" tab). Now disable all unused audio devices (rightclick on the device -> Disable), and set the correct audio device as default device (rightclick -> Set as default device).

    Now try to run the game again. If it still does not work, I'd recommend to download and install the latest audio driver from the homepage of your mainboard manufacturer. This seems to be the driver you need ("Realtek high definition audio driver" for Windows 10 64 bit):

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