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  • I found this seed I really like 135641327338794 but I have been flying around [slowly - maybe speed up the flight mode a little please] and I see no lakes, and its in desperate need of rivers, along these lines I tried to 'smooth' the beach coast line and the water does not "flow" or settle correctly... maybe down the road have one the team members take a look at the code for water and work on that.

    I would take a screenshot but my PRT-SC button does not seem to work with Rising World and I have not found an in-game way to take screenshots?
    Also... is there a way to rename a saved game?? :(^^

  • If you search (or browse) the fora a bit, you'll discover that rivers and dynamic water are planned for later in the development: either is much less simple than it seems at first sight.

    The number and the distribution of lakes varies from seed to seed; any seed have at least some, anyway (or at least, I still have to find a seed which has none!).

    Fly speed is also related with the world creation speed: if fly speed would increase, it is likely the world creation while you fly would not keep up (unless you have a supercomputer...) and you would have to stop anyway.

    Screen shot key may depend on your OS, on whether you run RW under Steam or not and on whether you run it full screen or not.

    Saved game? They are worlds, WORLDS, WORLDS! :D not a simple matter to change a world once created :saint: (kidding, of course!)

  • f12 (steam )will give you a screenshot

    I found this seed I really like 135641327338794 but I have been flying around [slowly - maybe speed up the flight mode a little please] and I see no lakes, and its in desperate need of rivers, along these lines I tried to 'smooth' the beach coast line and the water does not "flow" or settle correctly... maybe down the road have one the team members take a look at the code for water and work on that.

    I would take a screenshot but my PRT-SC button does not seem to work with Rising World and I have not found an in-game way to take screenshots?
    Also... is there a way to rename a saved game?? :(^^

    Red has been working on water a little at a time, Things float now, they didn't at first.

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