worlds not saving

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  • When I make a world and try to save it it does not. I have only one world that was messing with the world choices from 7-24 but any that I try to start and save the don't. any suggestions how to fix it thanks

  • What exactly do you mean by the world is not saving?

    • Are you getting red messages on the top left saying world could not be saved?
    • Are you trying to find a save button? Don't look anymore there isn't one, the game has autosave
    • If you are quitting the game too quickly after doing an action then that last action is sometimes not saved in the world database yet. it is recommended to wait a few seconds without doing anything before closing the game.
    • other? please provide more information

    I have only one world that was messing with the world choices from 7-24 but any that I try to start and save the don't.

    What 7-24 choices? Choices in world creation don't have any impact on how the world is saved, or do you mean something else?

  • my world wasn't saving after I played a hour meaning I played left and exit the game came on today and said I didn't have a world saved only from a few days ago. But today made a world and it saved it so I am not sure what happened but thanks for the replies .

  • If the world isn't saved correctly, this usually means there is a problem writing to the hard drive. In most cases this is either caused by security software (e.g. antivirus programs) which prevent the game from accessing the hard drive (some programs like Comodo run "unknown software" in a sandbox, which means the program cannot write to the hard drive), or a Windows permission which causes trouble. If you run an antivirus program, it's recommendable to put the game on the exception list. Sometimes it could also help to run the program (or Steam) as administrator.

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