Interesting Suggestion .. not mine but still for PVP

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  • Was in a conversation on my server talking about the abundance of supplies in the world and the PVP not so survival game. Then came the discussion of crops failing and the benefits of that but the big conversation was on the ability to destroy crops that a player is depending on. Even if he stages his plantings so that he always has food to eat. It would be nice to be able to burn crop fields to reduce their ability to survive.

    I for one want to see plants not grow under ground in caves!!!

  • Then came the discussion of crops failing and the benefits of that but the big conversation was on the ability to destroy crops that a player is depending on. Even if he stages his plantings so that he always has food to eat. It would be nice to be able to burn crop fields to reduce their ability to survive.

    why don't you just pick their crops yourself? As in you can go there with a sickle or a pickaxe and steal/destroy the crop field anyway :/

    Or since it is PvP throw some sticks of dynamite in it will most likely destroy most of the crops as well as the land around them so double the effort for the poor guy to rebuild the field and plant everything.

  • why don't you just pick their crops yourself? As in you can go there with a sickle or a pickaxe and steal/destroy the crop field anyway :/
    Or since it is PvP throw some sticks of dynamite in it will most likely destroy most of the crops as well as the land around them so double the effort for the poor guy to rebuild the field and plant everything.

    Because there is not a historical satisfaction of burning crops that would satiate the pyromania crowd. :evil::saint::whistling:

    Yes well I am sure players will find a way to use certain techniques to get ahold of banned tnt. :rolleyes:

  • they could be run off thermal generators in hell off the lava and you can run powerlines from the surface and run generators or solar power supplies like they do in real life, for the upper mines :) the main thing is plants need to be light reliant to grow, IMHO, and it wouldn't hurt them to be water reliant either.

  • they could be run off thermal generators in hell off the lava and you can run powerlines from the surface and run generators or solar power supplies like they do in real life, for the upper mines :) the main thing is plants need to be light reliant to grow, IMHO, and it wouldn't hurt them to be water reliant either.

    Thermal Energy power plants need water. None of that in hell. :whistling:

  • depends on if you started your mine underwater :P and there are buckets to transport water down there with :) almost the same thing as making a pond in the desert.

    Then we are right back to the unrealistic aspect of unlimited water for your power generation by a small amount of water... no consumption.

  • if you keep the water in an enclosed , replenishing system there is no need to add water once full. the heat would be an unlimited source from the lava. water heats to a boil and the steam rises and turns a turbine and goes into a cooling chamber to be condensed back to water and returned to the boiling chamber. No replenishing of water needed. The heat source is unlimited because of the lava. It doesn't even have to be placed into the lava, just close enough to use the heat source. A dynamo is hooked to the turbine to make the electricity. In reality they use a similar system for thermal electric plants here in Arizona where I live. I am not shure about this though. I believe they use cooling ponds for the condensing of the water but principal is basically the same as described :) you can possibly get an added amount of electricity by adding a water turbine to the return lines after the steam condenses, this will run off gravity, returning the water to the boiling chamber and turning another turbine, connected to a dynamo, producing even more power. I don't know how it would be done in reality but think of the power that can be collected off a geyser like old faithful? I may be wrong about a plant being in Az but have a look at this :)

  • if you keep the water in an enclosed , replenishing system there is no need to add water once full. the heat would be an unlimited source from the lava. water heats to a boil and the steam rises and turns a turbine and goes into a cooling chamber to be condensed back to water and returned to the boiling chamber. No replenishing of water needed. The heat source is unlimited because of the lava. It doesn't even have to be placed into the lava, just close enough to use the heat source. A dynamo is hooked to the turbine to make the electricity. In reality they use a similar system for thermal electric plants here in Arizona where I live. I am not shure about this though. I believe they use cooling ponds for the condensing of the water but principal is basically the same as described :) you can possibly get an added amount of electricity by adding a water turbine to the return lines after the steam condenses, this will run off gravity, returning the water to the boiling chamber and turning another turbine, connected to a dynamo, producing even more power. I don't know how it would be done in reality but think of the power that can be collected off a geyser like old faithful? I may be wrong about a plant being in Az but have a look at this :)

    LOL the perpetual water machine. Spent 8 years running steam boiler powersystems not including the 4 years in University learning design of steam power plants. Makeup water is needed if nothing else to do but to keep the chemistry correct in the waterflow. Lets think of a better system. Moving parts just don't retain steam very well always need some bleedoff even in labyrnth sealing and recondensing of the sealing bleed. Even nuclear system have the need for makeup water.

    But I know you just want some way for the darker side of this game to flourish and I think the dungeon/hell aspect takes away from the beauty of it.

  • I agree I am being a little far fetched but it is a theory we can use to our advantage in the future when power supplies are required. Until then I suggest we use the florescent lights for the grow lights. When I first started the game I thought plants would be light reliant and still have my original hell hydroponics setup when I started my hell build :)

  • I agree I am being a little far fetched but it is a theory we can use to our advantage in the future when power supplies are required. Until then I suggest we use the florescent lights for the grow lights. When I first started the game I thought plants would be light reliant and still have my original hell hydroponics setup when I started my hell build :)

    hell hydroponics LOL X/ Well I guess if the Morlocks in this game are to flourish it is better they eat corn and broccoli grown underground than having sirens blowing so they can eat the surface dwellers. :rolleyes: It is probably more healthy too! :D

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