
The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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  • I did some forum searching but didn't find anything.

    Anyone know if lore is planned. Will Rising World have a history of some sort? Has it been brought up in the German section of the forum?

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I like the idea of a world backstory it will help with immersion for a lot of players. Also I know this is sandbox and it is up to the players to make the 'game' but it wold be nice if the devs could stick in some lore related points of interest to help with the exploring, just little things like interesting places to see.

  • I like the idea of a world backstory it will help with immersion for a lot of players. Also I know this is sandbox and it is up to the players to make the 'game' but it wold be nice if the devs could stick in some lore related points of interest to help with the exploring, just little things like interesting places to see.

    Check the lore idea I had. Seems I'm the only one who likes it though haha

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Lore or back story will be a challenge because we have both preindustrial and industrial blocks, furnishings and some technology, i.e. the lights.
    I have an idea that merges low technology and high technology, dungeons and cyberspace. Hopefully it translates into german ok on google translate.

    For thousands of years what was once called humanity has lived in virtual reality. Billions of uploaded minds in a thousand virtual worlds. We were free from the limits of reality, disembodied immortals of immense power living our dreams and fantasies. The earth was mostly restored to pristine wilderness with a few museum sites preserved.
    Yet somethings gone wrong, memories, identities and personalities are being deleted. For a hundred years tens of thousands have worked on a finding and fixing the problem but it can't be fixed from the inside. Fixers: Robots and biological constructs have been sent out to look for the problem but even they have failed and what ever the cause is, its sent them insane.
    Now its up to us. A few brave souls venturing out into the dangers of reality. We must survive, rebuild technology, and raise the world to the level of technology where we can interact with the advanced, near magical, nano-technology that supports our virtual universe.
    Rise from the dream. Believe in reality. Build!

    This allows a zero start resource base, all technology levels. All kinds of monsters the devs or modders want including fantasy creatures: the robots and biological constructs sent out were far from human. It allows dungeons which are a mix of historical buildings that were maintained for a while, lairs, places constructed and occupied by the mad fixers, alien or ghostly hordes: others that were also sent out but choose non human forms and PvP for some do not agree with your goal or path.
    Many of the missing personalities are out here lost, confused and angry. Some do not even believe in reality. Some are powerful. It also allows a boss enemy that wants to destroy the virtual realities and our rebuilding process.

    No one has had a backstory where the matrix is the the thing you're trying to save and technology has gone backwards. Where reality itself is the threat and the only hope.

    Hopefully the devs will use this and give me some credit for it.

  • Interesting idea. But to be honest, I just don't see it happening. Put that energy into a unique history for Rising World where it does not rely on such advanced technology, and isn't pulled straight from a movie. In fact I have a story which I wrote like 15 years ago for a game I wanted to have made. Might just send that to the devs haha Thanks for reminding me!

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Your welcome. Note my idea is not designed to be a big build but a behind the scenes tool. We don't need to create the huge structures of the matrix movie or anything. The virtual world is advanced nanotechnology. Its a giant network of tiny nano-computers. It could be a tree, a rock, an ore or a whole mountain. It could be a whole biome.
    I just had a go at the surreal world type, throw in some alien looking materials replacing the stone of the upper peaks and spikes and your half there.

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