I just logged in to continue a game world i created yesterday. I left the world last night with a single castle section built and when i logged in today...it was like my beach front is now below and within another world or biome?..... (see for yourself) *I was NOT in "Fly Mode"*
It's no big deal to start a new world at this point, but i thought it best to pass the info along.

Bug? It's really Wierd.
- keitha7373
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Hmm... this looks like there was a new world generated on top of your existing world. This might happen if the game has either restricted access to your hard drive (blocked by an antivirus program, for example), or if there is another issue. There was a similar issue in the past when a seed was used consisting of special characters, but this bug was supposed to be fixed
Maybe you can post a log file here. To do that, go to your game directory (Steam version: Rightclick on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files) and open the "config.properties" file with a text editor. Set "game_debug_console" to true, save the file, and run the game. Now load the world in question (so that you run into this issue again), then quit the game, go into the "Logs" subfolder in your game directory and upload the latest log file here (or alternatively send it via PM to me, or via email to support@jiw-games.net)
Hmm... this looks like there was a new world generated on top of your existing world. This might happen if the game has either restricted access to your hard drive (blocked by an antivirus program, for example), or if there is another issue. There was a similar issue in the past when a seed was used consisting of special characters, but this bug was supposed to be fixed
Maybe you can post a log file here. To do that, go to your game directory (Steam version: Rightclick on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files) and open the "config.properties" file with a text editor. Set "game_debug_console" to true, save the file, and run the game. Now load the world in question (so that you run into this issue again), then quit the game, go into the "Logs" subfolder in your game directory and upload the latest log file here (or alternatively send it via PM to me, or via email to support@jiw-games.net)
Here is the log file. Thanks for taking a look Red51.
Thanks for the log! Actually this seems to be caused by the seed indeed... do you remember what seed you did use when the world was created?
Thanks for the log! Actually this seems to be caused by the seed indeed... do you remember what seed you did use when the world was created?
Yes, Seed was :: Don'tCare
That’s actually kinda cool lol
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