Thank you for this I just started playing just learning hope it ok

Request from a customer
- Java Version
- English
- Ryan
Hi. I don't often reply much any more, as I don't often come here. As far as "hope it ok", well.... kind of. On the technical side, it won't glitch out on you, as I only build with blocks. I'm just not a fan of planks and boards, as they often flicker and glitch out on me, especially if they overlap. As far as functionality, this isn't much in the way of a home, being that it's only one room and has no amenities like bathrooms, etc. What I like to do with this one is attach a bathroom and parking lot and use it as a small shop.
You can avoid flickering in the config properties by changing "graphic depth buffer" into true.
I Deidre, I at times also have the flickering but cannot find where the config properties are. Can you please explain? Many thanks
The flickering is caused by z fighting (fighting to be "on top"). Red has said this will be improved with the next update - I would suggest you wait to see if the next update fixes it for you before you start tinkering
Not long now
Flickering can also be avoided by making the planks or beams one step smaller /bigger each time.
Use sets 1 to do the smallest steps possible and you won't really see the difference
I Deidre, I at times also have the flickering but cannot find where the config properties are. Can you please explain? Many thanks
The config prop is in your steam folder.
steamapps > common > RisingWorld - config (I opened it with a text editor)graphic_logarithmic_depthbuffer=true
For me it's ok to work with these settings.
If you build balls and build with overlapping parts, the flickering is normal, but reduced.
Thank you Deirdre, I found the conf and change the graphic_logarithmic_depthbuffer to true. Again many thanks.
Added the Label Java Version
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